Saints,There is a group of brothers in Greece who are helping serve refugees that are coming in on boats. Pray they can feel 100% led of the Holy Spirit to minister in Jesus Name to these refugees. And that they would be Christ to these people. They will be there for the next week.One of the brothers sent this prayer request today:---Please pray that God's work is done here and that we can find the place He has for us. There seems to be some confusion and a lack of leadership here. We're not sure where we belong. Pass along if you feel led to.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Father thank you that you have called these brothers to go and minister to those who are in need. May they be led by your Spirit to be strategically placed that they can make the most impact for the Kingdom of Christ. May they go in your love. May they be baptized in your Dpirit. And may many seeds for the Lord Jesus Christ be planted. Blessed God I pray this in Jesus name.Amen and amen.
I was listening to an interview with a brother who is working in Greece to minister to the refugees coming in from Syria. He made a wise observation. He said if we go to Afghanistan or Iraq to share the Gospel of Jesus. The recipients in those countries are not necessarily open to hear the message. But he said the refugees who are coming into Greece are broken. They are ready to hear the message of Jesus. He said many will come to their small ministry team asking for prayer and help.One of the things this ministry is doing is giving out SIM cards to those who have smartphones. On the SIM card is the Bible in the five prominent languages of the refugees. He said they stand at the charging stations to give out the SIM cards along with other aid. This brother said that the SIM card has been placed in the phone. And that people will read the Bible that comes up on their screen. This brother said they have seen five or six conversions a day. Where people ask the Lord Jesus Christ into their heart. Against the backdrop of thousands of refugees this may seem a drop in the bucket. But the brothers shared that many of those probably are reading the Bible in private and turning their hearts over to the Lord Jesus. Also those who have come to Christ have extended family that they share Jesus with. So for every one person who is probably committing their life to Christ. Ten more may follow.The brother also pointed out if we would see five or six conversions a day in our churches. Averaging about 35 conversions a week. We would say we had a revival here in the West.I would wish to point out that there are legitimate ministries that are working among the refugees coming in from Syria and other places. These ministries are unnamed. They are servants of God. No one calls himself metropolitan. These ministries operate on a shoestring budget. These ministries do not have gleeming office buildings or nice conference centers. But these ministries are making a strategic impact on the gospel harvest.Another thing is not all of the refugees are jihadists. We must get this thinking out of our minds. And we must think with the mind of Christ regarding the refugees coming in. Many of these are sheep without a shepherd. Many of these are those who need to hear the hope that Jesus offers. I have no illusion that there may be jihadidts embedded among the refugees. But then they to need to hear the hope of the gospel also.The harvest is plentiful. Let us beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest. Indeed let us be those workers that He will send out. Lord Jesus I ask that you start with me. With your permission let me be a worker in Your harvest. For I ask this in your blessed name.Amen and amen.