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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : No confidence in the flesh

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Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556

 No confidence in the flesh

Having no confedence in the flesh can be hard some times ,,being subject to the Sovereign mercy of God and the graceful enabling power of the Holy Spirit , is all we have and need to proclaim the gospel and exegite the scripture , knowing our totally undeserving poverty of spirit,and short comings and faults ,to take that step of faith knowing that God will speak a prophetic word through us , can be hard ,because the flesh is weak but the spirit it willing . We can come boldly not pridly to the thrown of grace and ask for a word of wisdom or knowledge or what have you ,,,,,,,God allways seems to answer and be there for us to some degree.........the Christian life is all about faith that he deals to each man by measure ,and to exercise it with the new man ,,,,,,can be a challenge to do this ....but Jesus did say I will never leaveyou or forsake period ,and he doesn't break that promise ,though we may be many times apathetic towards him,,,,he draws out praise from our hearts ,when we step out in faith in that context,and also indescribable emotions and affections ,,we beat the flesh into submission ,by faith , oh that I would remember this gift of grace daily

 2015/12/12 6:56Profile

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