Julius good morning.Brother surely you have seen my previous threads in this forum. I have posted consistently that the believer is governed by the Spirit and not by the Mosaic code. I have posted consistently then we are governed primarily by the ethics of the New Testament and not by the Old. The greatest Ethic being Jesus Himself who is the Word living in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.The Mosaic law was given to the Hebrews who later became the Jews on Mount Sinai. Our standard of conduct is the Sermon on the Mount given by Jesus himself. This primarily is the righteousness that Jesus spoke of that surpasses that of the Pharisees. Because it is a righteousness of the heart as applied by the Holy Spirit.Believe me brother I live in the New Testament. I listen to the New Testament weekly from Matthew to Revelation. The New Testament is His Word that lives in my heart. I hope this clarifies my position as a New Covenant Christian However can we ignore the Old Testament as the Word of God? There have been those in this forum that have challenged me to rethink my radical position of needing the New Testament and it alone. Is the Old Testament still not the word of God? It may not be binding on us today. But I believe there are prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled. Particularly that relate to the second coming of Jesus.Certainly in the Book of Daniel. We see that there are certain prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled. These prophecies relate to the coming of the Son of God in the end times. However we may respectfully disagree on this.You speak of an eschatology that is the dehumanizing. That is hurtful to other people. Brother may I ask what are you talking about? To believe in a literal return of Jesus is hope. Brother this is what I speak of. The blessed hope of the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Brother may I ask how is this dehumanizing are hurtful to other people. This is the hope of the Christiane today. That Jesus will return. That Jesus will come to take us home. This is my eschatology as you call it. This is the teaching of the New Testament. This is the hope of Christ in us the hope of glory.Brother I'm wondering if we're getting to the crux of the matter. Let me ask respectfully. Do you believe in a literal return of Jesus. Or is it only a spiritual return that he has accomplished in our heart.I believe you have stated in your position that the Old Testament prophecies have been fulfilled either by the Old Testament itself or by Christ. Then let me ask respectfully. What of the signs in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 that Jesus spoke of. Were the signs fuliled in 70 AD. Or are the signs yet to be fulfilled. Brother this is the New Testament I'm speaking of. Just curious to know your position on this.Respectfully submitted.
Hi bearmaster,When I write, I write for all, so when I say "you", it is generic for anyone who is reading. Remember, we are in a public forum and we are not writing privately to one another. There are those here who know what I mean with regards to a politically based eschatology, and an eschatological belief system that brings harm to others. Yes, I believe Jesus will return.
Julius writes........."When I write, I write for all, so when I say "you", it is generic for anyone who is reading."Brother, that's a strange statement. Can you explain that more, that when you personally write you write for all as opposed to just one man writing his opinion?..........bro Frank
BearmasterI was inventing doctrine as going along. Just like the replacement religion types do. I absolutely believe in a literal, physical second coming of the Lord Jesus Christas the Word of God proclaims. To Jerusalem of all places as Zechariah states HE WILL. Just can't get around that one can we?
Ahhh, yes, I see what you mean, bro Frank.When I write, I am aware that I am in a public forum and therefore my posts are usually directed to everyone. I knew Bearmaster's theology pretty well, so it was directed to the audience at large, but I do see that I should have been more clear to Bearmaster that my comments about "politically based eschatalogy that harms others" is written to the audience at large and not specifically to Bear. My apologies, Bear. I will clarify next time.
Zachariah 14:4In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in the middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south.Incredible prophecy that the scripture twisters should pretend does not existrather then give their imagined and ludicrous explanations of what it does not state. If you do not believe just say so, Twisting it is far worse as these types do.
"Genuine and sincere Bible-believing Christians subscribe to varying theological systems. Never do we want to "write someone off" and deny that they are our Christian brother or sister because they organize their "belief-system" differently that we do, provided they profess that Jesus is the Christ and have received Him by faith. Christian unity is not uniformity of thought or ideology. We seek a unity of love despite diversity of opinion, understanding, interpretation or theological explanation. Our unity is in Christ, not in theological constructions." James FowlerI believe this quote with all my heart. It is found in the article: Dispensational Theology, Covenant Theology, and Christocentric Theologyhttp://www.christinyou.net/pages/dthcthchth.htmlBearmaster, I fall into the Christocentric Theology camp, if that helps you.
Julius good afternoon from a chilly Little Rock.Brother no reason to apologize. I walk with you as I'm sure with many others in this forum regarding a Christ-centered theology. Because our theology is rooted in a Person. And that is the person of Jesus. Jesus who lives inside each one of us.I remember seeing a Christmas card with this passage. The card went something like this. The Word did not become a philosophy or a concept or a theology to be discussed debated or pondered. But the Word became a Person to be followed, loved, and enjoyed.Many times the simplicity of the persecuted put me to shame. Those who come out of Islam and come to Christ do not call themselves Christians. But they call themselves Jesus followers. This reflects the spirit of Paul as he wrote in 2nd Corinthians 11:3. That I'm afraid just as a serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, that you have been led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. There's such a beauty of simplicity in that message.God grant our theology be found in a Person. That would be the Person of Jesus Christ. And to this I say Maranatha Lord Jesus come.My thoughts from the bear cave.
NDYBrother indeed He is coming soon. Our hearts are thrilled that soon we will see Him come and split the sky asunder.For that our cry is Come Lord Jesus. Truly that will be a glorious day.Rejoicing from the bear cave.
Amen, Bear! It is in the Person of Jesus Christ that we are unified and enjoy fellowship, together.