Dear saints, I covet your prayers as I prepare to preach the gospel in the open-air with amplification in a few hours at this outdoor Yoga event here in Long Beach, CA. This is a daily event they have at this park but I think on Saturdays it gets the most packed. I plan on starting my message right after everyone is dismissed so that I will not rudely interrupt their routine. Here is the link to a past pic of this event so you can get an idea: Thanks in advance for your prayers.
_________________Nigel Holland
Thanks for your prayers! I had a blessed time out there pleading with the people! As soon as I started many left but some stuck around and heard much of the message. Afterward a few Christian brothers came up to inquire about the method of open-air preaching and encouraged me. May God be glorified through the seeds that were sown out there!
Hey brethren, just want to share one more thing about yesterday. As I drove off in my car I accidentally left two bags on the sidewalk (a back pack that had in it my 2 voice amplifiers with headset mics, my 3 hd pocket-sized video cameras and my preaching Bible; and the other bag was a messenger bag that had in it a bunch of gospel tracts and 2 personal pocket-sized Bibles-one English one and one Spanish one). I guess I had an old-age moment. I realized I had left the backpack and the messenger bag behind when I was almost home, so I immediately went back and when I got there they weren’t on the sidewalk anymore and I didn’t find them. So I was pretty bummed out about it but I figured, “Oh well, they’re just physical items. The Lord will replace those things as He sees fit and in His timing.” About 4 hours later, as I was running an errand to the supermarket, I happened to be passing by there and I saw the 2 bags next to a tree (someone placed them there on purpose so I could find them), so I quickly parked the car and got them, and they had all my things in them! I was like, “Thank you Lord!”I didn't share about those missing items yesterday because when I posted my last post the bags were still missing, and I didn't want to seem like I was trying to ask for any donations of any sort here.
The Lord is blessing and protecting you, brother. Praying.
Thank you sister Leslie for your prayers and for all your encouragement. May the Lord repay you.