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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Israel, the Church and Eschatology

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Brown didn't even call Preston a heretic or disparage him in any way (and he probably doesn't agree with his eschatology) as he focused on the hermeneutics of Israel and the Church. I wouldn't even want to talk about what a Mormon believes, so I respect your view and thanks for telling me about it in a brotherly way.

If you and the others I mentioned think it is impossible in this current atmosphere to talk about the hermeneutics regarding Israel and the Church, I am ok with that. I don't care about what the bullies say, but I do care about what the "bullied", say. So, if you and the others think we should "hang it up", then let's do it.

 2015/11/3 14:26


Paul as led by the Holy Sprit said

Galatians 5:12
I wish those who unsettle you would emasculate themselves!

(Talking about those who promote false religion)

 2015/11/3 14:32


Let me just say that I apologize to everyone on SI if I said anything that offended any of you.

Furthermore, please feel free to take a vote whether you would like me to be banned or not and publish the results for Greg. I will accept the wisdom of the Church.

 2015/11/3 14:35

 Re: From Grace to You Canada

An attack of the gospel

First Timothy 1:4 says these false teachers "minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith." They provide speculations instead of truth. They continually stir up useless questions, and that creates confusion. The Greek word translated "edifying" (oikonomia), means "stewardship," "administration," or "dispensation." It refers to a modus operandi--a means of operation. Since it is connected with theos, the Greek word translated "God," it refers to the plan of God. Through their questions these false teachers strike a blow at the gospel of saving faith. Therefore, it is likely they were propagating a system of works righteousness or legalism.

 2015/11/3 14:46

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


Brother Julius, this thought also came to mind. Let's say someone here were to post a teaching by let's say for example Joel Osteen and say they agree with that particular teaching in some respects. It would be hard for many of us to take seriously anything coming from Osteen. We wouldn't even want to give him the time of day. Hope you understand that's how I feel regarding anyone who holds to Full Preterism, as I see it to be that serious of an error.


 2015/11/3 14:52Profile


I do fully understand, Oracio. I agree it is definitely a serious error, too. Being corrected and even alerted to error does not offend me. I am actually thankful for it.

 2015/11/3 14:56

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


Thanks for understanding brother.


 2015/11/3 15:00Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


Now Gary DeMar on the other hand I think is ok :-)


 2015/11/3 15:03Profile


I am just finishing up that debate. Very respectful, also.

 2015/11/3 15:07

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777


… godly edifying which is in faith

When I see the news re Israel, I see people (both Jew and Palestinian) who are beset with fear, offense, revenge, suspicion, humiliation, retaliation and much more – all which point to a need for reconciliation of these two people groups. People are dying, getting killed!! Each side seems far more acutely aware of how they have been wronged by the other than how they may have wronged and provoked the other. That's characteristic of unforgiveness.

I see a critical need for each side to confess their own wrongs, to forgive the other, and be reconciled to each other – and ultimately to God. Is this not the only solution? Is this not Biblical?

What doctrines re Israel would best promote that direction?

Perhaps some scriptures and doctrines would be far more applicable to Israel right now than the usual handful of doctrines about Israel and eschatology.

Just wondering,


 2015/11/3 15:09Profile

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