docs, They both made some strong points and although I don't agree with everything either of them stand for, I would be interested in hearing what you thought their strong points (and weak points, too) were. And, I am currently listening to another one which is also very good, so far.Dr. Brown Debates Dr. Gary DeMar on Israel and the Church blessed.
Especially this gross heretical Christ denying error:"Mr. Preston has finally gone on record! Mr. Preston claims Christ Jesus no longer possesses the body of His birth and resurrection. Mr. Preston attempts to downplay the implication of his heresy by qualifying his position as a “physical” body, but this is simply more intellectual dishonesty on his part. Webster’s 1830 definition of the term “body” is, “The frame of an animal; the material substance of an animal, in distinction from the living principle of beasts and soul of man”, “Matter, as opposed to spirit”, “any extended solid substance”. The fact is human bodies are “physical”. Inherent within the concept of a human body is the concept of “physical”. Thus when Dr. Kenneth Gentry points out Paul in, Col 2:8, 9, explains Christ Jesus has His body, Paul is referring to the fact Christ Jesus possesses the human body of His birth and resurrection. If Christ Jesus no longer has the body of His birth and resurrection, He is no longer human."The implication of Mr. Preston’s view, whether he wants to admit it or not is that the historical Christ Jesus no longer exists. In other words, according to Mr. Preston, Christ Jesus temporally made use of a human body, the incarnation was only temporary! This, of course is essentially the same position held by the second century docetics, “Doceticism refers to the doctrine that the manhood of Christ was apparent not real, that as in some Greek myths, a divine being was dressed up as a man in order to communicate revelations, but was not really involved in the human state…” 1 According to Dr. Roger E. Olson, “…sophisticated doectics held a dualistic Christology that strongly distinguished between “Christ”, a heavenly, spiritual redeemer and “Jesus,” the human taken over by the Christ and used as his instrument for a time on earth.” 2 Indeed, this is the Christ of Mr. Preston, a Christ who no longer possesses the body of His birth and resurrection. The fact of the matter is Mr. Preston is advocating a “sophisticated” heretical view which dates back to the second century. The logical implication is that Christ is no longer the God-man. That is damnable heresy and Criswell knew it and called Preston on it.
And, I am currently listening to another one which is also very good, so far. Again, I don't necessarily endorse everything each person believes, but to the central issue that we are discussing, they bring out some interesting points, hermeneutically, speaking. These speakers never disparage one another which I find refreshing and kind hearted.Dr. Brown Debates Dr. Gary DeMar on Israel and the Church
Why do you keep using heretics and apostates to support your views?They do not even believe that Jesus Christ, is the eternal Son of God and Son of man. And he is.Shame on you.
Yes, unfortunately I will have to agree that Mr. Preston holds to full Preterism (denying the Second Coming of Christ and bodily resurrection of believers), making him a a heretic who should be shunned by believers.
Oracio,I earlier distanced myself from Full Preterism, and that was not what this debate was about.
Julius, did you know that Preston was a Full Preterist before listening to this debate?
proudpapa wrote:
I can not download the youtube so I do not know if you where reffering to Tim Conway the comedian if so he is different from Tim Conway the preacher, Tim Conway the preacher is kind of running in the same circle as Paul Washer, John Piper etc.I am able to get the MP3 thank you Oracio
by Oracio on 2015/11/3 13:55:14Julius, did you know that Preston was a Full Preterist before listening to this debate?
Thanks Julius. I guess my concern is for heretical perspectives to be promoted here, views which would be on the same level of heresy as JWs, Mormons and others. At some point I think the mods have to draw a line and not allow certain heresies to have a platform here. That's just what I've observed here over the years anyway. I appreciate that you had no clue that he was a Full Preterist.But I agree with your point about having civil discussions despite strong disagreements, even when it comes to orthodox vs unorthodox views.