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Hey guys it was my intention to not come on here anymore, but what i am going through right now I think i need to definitely recieve your prayers. The last few weeks the demonic oppression i have been going through has got severely bad. I have been physical attacks on my body for some time now and yesterday i started having peace and it was feeling as if the oppression i was having was leaving and even through part of the day today i was doing unusually good from what i am usually am use to and then right before i went to lunch at work i started feeling this terrible presence that started trying to weakening my body. Then as the day went on i was trying to resist this and walk in faith, but then today at my house i started having anger issues within my self and i have been strruggling extremely bad with anger as of late and then that presence seemed to just get a stronger hold on me and my body has just got really weak and i been struggling to move my body properly. Two weeks ago i started struggling with this opppression so bad i started to fast for a few days straight because if i didnt it seemed like i didnt have any relief from this. I know i am struggling with anger and bitterness towards others at times, but otherwise i dont know what would cause this. I been struggling for some time now in my life also with the fear that if i do something wrong that God was going to chastize me or i was going to open the door to demonic spirits so i have been in fear at times and unsure about everything in my life and relationship with God. Then I started realizing i have been believing lies and i started walking in the truth and tried to start believing Gods word and when i would do that then i would start feeling that oppression, so i have been confused what is from God and what is not from God. After some of the last few responses i have got on here about my posts i have been heeding some of the advice and just telling christians close to me and at my church and have them praying for me and talking to me. Also I have been trying to just wait on the Lord and it seemed their was times when i was getting stronger in my faith and in my body, but as i have been at home tonight and woke up really weak i am very afraid brothers, this is not getting any better and it seems like every few weeks this has only got worse. This is the weakest my body has been that i know of and the most i have ever been out pg control of my inner emotions. If you could keep me in your thoughts and prayers i would deeply appreciate it, i need them tonight.

 2015/10/1 1:43

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: prayer

Praying for you.

 2015/10/1 4:08Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: prayer


Thank you for coming back, the others are not here anymore. I'll pray for you.

This (17 min) sermon by Carter Conlon on Tuesday nights at 7 pm if you can ever watch online at that time.

Thoughts on Faith and Prayer
September 8, 2015 - Victory is ours, when we simply make the choice to agree with God. If you want freedom, determine in your heart to get up and go with God. When we pray, God will move heaven and earth to answer our prayers.

I took this to the jail last night and most of the ladies really took to this. Please listen if you can!

God bless you John,


 2015/10/1 7:59Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England

 Re: prayer

Hi John, when are you feeling drained of energy? Just thought I would ask as it may not be spiritual but something physical. For example things that could do this are a virus, chronic fatigue, ME, anxiety or depression.
Just a few thoughts. To go along with anything else others add to the conversation.

David Keel

 2015/10/1 12:12Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


David is giving good advice.

I would highly recommend that you see your physician and have a complete blood work done.


 2015/10/1 14:03Profile


Thank you for your prayers. About three months ago I went to the doctor and got blood work done and the only thing the doctor said was wrong with me was that my vitamin d levels were low.But, I wouldnt say that I am getting drained of energy, but it is something i feel, i think it a dark presence and it weakens the movement in my body. These attacks have been going on for years. Many times i have had attacks to my mind and i will be driving in the car and i can feel something trying to take over my mind and affect my thinking. It is weird it usually only happens when i am driving a long distance in my car or with my wife in the car. I mean I could be wrong, but it always seems like it is something different. Like last fall one day i started having this terrible fear i was not saved or lost my salvation and i started having a great fear come upon me that almost led me to suicide. I mean from everything i experience to me it seems to be demonic just because of all the different things that happen to me and what it seems like God has revealeed to me, but i could be wrong.

 2015/10/1 18:29

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England

 Re: prayer

I don't want to take you off course spiritually if I'm saying the wrong thing John. But a blood test won't tell a doctor if you have chronic fatigue, ME, anxiety or depression or if you were experiencing the side effects of any of those things.
I haven't got the discernment spiritually to know what's going on in your life. I wish I did and could help out.

David Keel

 2015/10/1 20:52Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England


When you are driving John, are you focusing on the Lord at all ? Maybe praising the Lord a lot and reciting verses ?

David Keel

 2015/10/2 7:23Profile

Joined: 2011/9/19
Posts: 168


Hi John-

I've read your posts throughout the years, I may have very well responded to a few of them. But I've been able to relate to some of the things you've shared.
I listened to the video that Lisa recommended. It is sooo good! Looking back at my own struggles with depression and oppression, I can say for sure that I was looking at the walls of the pit I was in and wishing that God would save me. What I didn't realize for too long, was that once I set my eyes on God Himself, I would be out of that pit and set on a ROCK. I was too many years saying to myself "I am trying to believe God," and stuck in this pit of despair.

I finally began to realize that satan had me immobilized in that pit and was going to have my mind and body because I was too weak to resist him, and that God was truly my only hope. His Words were like lifelines to cling to.
Psalms were easy enough for me to read because David shared some of my feelings of despair- and yet, he also spoke of something else; something that seemed to forfeit and deny his feelings. Was he denying his feelings? I wondered how that could be true healing. But no, David was not denying his feelings, he was simply shifting his gaze from his feelings and troubles to his God and God's ability, character and promises to him.
I wish I had found that key years before. So much of the time God gave me was wasted. Finally, I could say, "Lord, I am the weakest of all your creatures. Nevertheless, I will praise You for Your great strength."

Go to Him holding out your bitterness and pains. Bitterness is an awful, defiling wedge between us and God.Its root is unforgiveness. The feeling may very well be there, but its our willingness to part with it that God honors. He removes what we cannot on our own stop feeling.

I pray that you, brother, will soon come to believe that God is for you and not against you. He is so much for your life, that He died for you. He purchased you even in the state you are in so that every promise in Christ would be yours and that you can do all things through Christ, who gives you strength. What satan means for your destruction, God will use for your good- and shape you into the likeness of His Son. You have only to set your eyes upon Him- the Author and Perfecter of your faith.
Don't get discouraged as I once did. Ask the Lord to help you with it. He is our help and it pleases Him to answer such prayers. Don't be afraid of failing.He came to save the weak,and I easily admit that that means me. He knows our weaknesses. Admit them and look straight to Him again and again, because He is strong.


 2015/10/2 8:42Profile


Hey David, Yes I am always trying to keep my mind on God even in those situations, it sometimes one of those things that i have just let go and let it run its course, those attacks of oppression, I have always come through it, but i just dont understand why i am consistently going through it. Was listening to Tony Evans yesterday and he said that people are always saying that the devil is always messing with them and Tony said it is because he knows those people will never use the word as a sword as Jesus did in the wilderness. Onemite thank you for your testimony and wisdom about that, I think keeping my eyes on Christ is the answer, but i guess sometimes when i get so weak i turn my eyes to my struggles and became fearful. And thank you lisa for the video. Thank you for your prayers.

 2015/10/2 11:10

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