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Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


Hi All

In Australia we need people to stand up for the Christian view on marriage and Gods Principles which are able to articulate the point well. Being politicians is irrelevant its about Gods word being spoken in the midst of the confusion. In Australia we are told by the media what is right for this country and normally this comes from American celebrities which are already telling us we are in the stone age with our Gay Marriage laws.

Jesus Christ has earned the right for everybody to hear the truth whether they dismiss it or not. I did not find fault in what Dr Carson has said on the issue, not only that he is respected by his peers on an intellectual level so they cant just right him off as an mad man or uneducated man.

On a personally level I believe in Vaccines (but that's not why i liked Dr Ben Carson) we have a very small window of opportunity to speak up in the public forums about Gods principles and airing the Gospel to give people the opportunity to make a choice. I really don't think Satan cares who gets into power he is smarter enough to have all his bases covered. the defining point is are Christians praying for our leaders this is where God wants us to be.

The persecutions of Christians is at the door now which will drive Christianity underground. This isn't a prediction this is a logical reasoning of how events are being played and seen from observation. Christianity is being pushed to conform to peoples ideals today and if it doesn't then it is being classed as hateful against society.

karl rashleigh

 2015/8/17 14:16Profile

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


RE: /// On a personally level I believe in Vaccines ///

The issue is not if you believe in vaccines, the issue is that many of us feel that the 'vaccines made using aborted fetal cell lines, which are contaminated with aborted fetal cell DNA and a retrovirus' are unethical and that we should (continue) to have a religious excemption.

The religious right is very very powerful in the US, the likely hood that they are going to come under any serious persecution outside of a foreign take over in the near future is highly unlikely.
Church history testifies that the religious mainstream is often times the persecutor.
If Ben Carson became President and he eliminated the religious excemption to vaccines the door of persecution will be opened on many of us Christians. , furthermore a catch 21 senerio will be in place legislatively that will pave the way for mandated chip that you will not be able to buy or sell without.

"And ultimately, and we all know this!" :

"What if tomorrow morning you got the daily newspaper and on the front page of the daily newspaper you saw these words written across there: "cashless society, all peoples have two months to make the transition to cashless society".
Oh, it would be presented so beautifuly , so nicely and so wonderfully and inviting to all of us:
'That its so much easer to deal with all the terrorist and all of those things, that if we just went with a cashless society, and you do not need a credit card anymore. And all you need to do is, get a little mark in your wrist in your hand and maybe one on your forehead and everything is going to be alright and you got two months to transist into this cashless society'." (to refuse that mark will be Gelassenheit) — Denny Kenaston

(Early Anabaptism) Gelassenheit—Complete Surrender

"And ultimately, and we all know this, the mark of the beast will come, and you will not be able to buy or sell without it. Which means we will all come to poverty if not starvation. We need to change our mind about materilism ..." - Denny Kenaston

(Early Anabaptism) The Approaching Wave of Persecution

New World Monetary System :
" ..He will no doubt institute a worldwide "walking credit card " system. Invisible numbers will be implanted on the forehead or forearm, and only photoscope scanners will be able to detect the numbers. The numbers could assigned in three stacks of six digits each. This "mark" would be required by all and no one could buy or sell without this invisibly tattooed number" - David Wilkerson phophetic vision from 1973 p.22

"... in an age when the only other option is to wear the mark of the Beast.
For those unable to buy or sell in the global world economy, Christian community of a creative, productive, life-sustaining kind, however much dreaded by many till now, will prove one of the few, viable alternatives for sanctity and life. For those sons and daughters who radically separate themselves, not to so much as even touch the unclean thing, the love of the Father, the actuality of God as Father, known by few, will become a sustaining power against insecurity or falling in all the tremulous pressures of the end (2 Corinthians 6:18).
" - Art Katz

wake up, wake up Church or you are going to miss the persecution.

 2015/8/17 23:52Profile


True, proudpapa and as we have already seen, the current administration has already opened the door to persecutions of Christians. It will only get easier and more acceptable, now.

To your other point, yes many see vaccinations as unethical and I would add un-Christlike.

 2015/8/18 1:25

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


Hi Proudpapa

I believe that no matter how much information and research that i provide to you in this post about the points you have raised will change your mind or will help us to grow spiritually. There has been a forum post about vaccines and the mark of the beast previously and did it change people stand points. I am not a lawyer who needs to win in these subject matters, i am a servant of the God most High because of our precious Lord savior who suffered for me on the cross.

It saddens me that at some point sermon index changed into this legalistic breeding ground and i no longer see any spiritual growth in commenting in the forums as it is more damaging to open up in truth then to remain silent in the background. I would caution any new christian from commenting in the forums due to the judgements that they will endure without the covering of Grace.

karl rashleigh

 2015/8/18 7:46Profile


Churches don't follow the Scriptures, the government does not follow the Constitution and voting in America is a farce. A bread crum thrown to the sheeple to deceive them into thinking they have some kind of influence.

Psalms 11:3
If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

What they can and must do is fast and pray and preach the truth unflinchingly.

If the Church wants real influence, walk as Jesus walked, don't look to fleshy systems of men. The early church did not do that.

 2015/8/18 10:06

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650



I literally have not used cash in about 2 weeks.

Do you really think paper money is the issue?


 2015/8/18 13:17Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


The interpretation of what the mark of the beast is has been around for a long time and i no longer hold to the main stream view for the below reason.

1. when i was hooked into this about 20 years ago, many christian teachers had very logical arguments in their explanations on what the mark is and what it looks like but their was no unity amongst these teachings. not only that many cults also held the same view. How can these cults who deny Christs authority have the same revelation? This is because scripture is a stumbling block to theologians and a corner stone to spirit filled believers.

Paul talks about the Marks of Christ which are physical and spiritual this is the same for the marks for the beast. You can tell who a christian is by their marks. self-sacrificing for the gospel of Christ, the mark of the beast just means man (6), man (6), man(6) meaning Man believing he is God. You can tell what your marks are by looking back at your life and see who you have suffered for, yourself or Christ

A christian man standing up in the media today for the Gospel of Christ is ridiculed, verbally abused taunted, slandered and rejected by his peers. the only reason you would do this is because he believes in Christ. Many politicians will not stand up against gay marriage because of the onslaught it will bring to them and their political party meaning this is for their own selves and not Christ.

If we are to look at the vaccine issue then we must look at it all in its entirety. Yes the vaccine was created by cells of aborted babies in the 1950's as it is the only way they could grow the virus to create the vaccine. I don't like the idea but it saved thousands of lives and still does to this day. so if you do not take the vaccine for this reason then you need to also not use other drugs that where also created from aborted baby cells such as various heart pills, arthritis drugs, cancer drugs, some cosmetic products. they have also been used in the development of Nestles, Pepsi, Craft, Cadbury, American all spice.

Then we must also take into account that most medicines and products have been tested on 100's of thousands of animals in the most cruelest torture. even when dr's where looking for cures with cancer they let cancer patients die so they could test what was happening.

All main stream chickens in Australia is sacrificed for Islam and 60% of meat. this is not advertised but this means that without the grace of God my children cannot eat any meats in this country.

These are conscience issues and each as important as the other so if we make the stance in one area such as vaccines then you also need to make the stance in the other areas as well otherwise you will be hypocrite.

to me it brings up the lessons Jesus showed in the bible were he is accused of breaking the law

Math 12:11 "And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?

Luke 14:5 "And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day?

Jesus is pointing out that legalism has no compassion or Grace where as Jesus came to free us from the law through Grace. All people that are truly saved and love the lord with all their heart are my brothers and sisters in Christ and it serves no point to argue these issues as it only calls for division, the reason i say this is because when the holy spirit is working on individuals in a forum all parties, learn and grow in different ways as "Iron Sharpens iron" when this is not the case and people stay firm in their ideas with out growth and are willing to fight tooth and nail to win. the holy spirit is not working in the midst.

karl rashleigh

 2015/8/18 19:35Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


The gay Marriage ruling has already set the path against religious freedom and i believe was the pinnacle point to the persecution that is here and the persecution to come. The gay rights have now changed the fundamental part of Christianity, this defiles the true principles of love that God has shown us in our relationship on earth. these Christians that have had the option to speak this out to the public have given those in the darkness a truth against the lies that are pushed upon the masses. the laws are now open to definitions of hate propaganda where preaching and refusing to embrace homosexuality is a hate crime, this is happening now.

Christians will no longer be able to sit on the fence or have foundations that are not based on the word. The choice is to either deny Christ for your own sake (mark of the beast) or embrace Christ for the sake of the gospel(mark of Christ). The Christians who stand during this time will rejoice as they will get a deeper understanding and relationship with our lord Jesus before the final reaping. It is important to check all the foundations of our own theology and test it against the bible to make sure we are walking in the spirit and not the flesh.

We need to encourage each other to fight the good fight and allow the bibles truth to transform our minds and clean our spirits with the truth of the gospel.

karl rashleigh

 2015/8/18 21:15Profile

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


///Re: by TMK on 2015/8/18 13:17:46
I literally have not used cash in about 2 weeks.
Do you really think paper money is the issue?///

Did you listen to those sermons of Bro Denny Kenastons that I recieved the quotes from ?
I believe he was intune when he said them.

Art Katz threw his credit cards out because of his feeling on the subject. Most on SI have a pretty high respect for Katz.

David Wilkerson whom most on SI have a great amount of respect for,. In 1973 believed that : there will
: "(((no doubt))) institute a worldwide "walking credit card " system. Invisible numbers will be implanted on the forehead or forearm,.."

Now that these things are no longer bizzare science fiction but are now rapidly becoming reality everyone has a different interpretation.

Is that not to be expected ?

 2015/8/18 22:18Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


I want to pose a question

disease is everywhere if you refuse to vaccinate your children and they get one of these diseases and pass it on to other people? would this be manslaughter if the person dies? as you have made a choice in the matter?

on an ethical level go to the hospital and see the children in ICU that have these diseases and are suffering from onslaught of this who are in great amounts of pain and if they take medicine for their pain there is a good chance it also was made from baby cells.

without vaccines 10 to 20 percent of your christian brothers and sisters would not be alive or become incapacitated in some way and many none believers would have not had the opportunity to hear the gospel message and give their lives to Jesus especially in the third world countries were lack of education and are unable to prevent the environment they are born in. many of which are now pastors spreading the gospel to villagers and the rest of the world.

The fact of the matter is that Vaccines only work if everybody is vaccinated and the reason it has got out of control again is because people decided not to get vaccinated. Dr Ben Carson is a Doctor who knows this and he would have seen the devastation these diseases cause upon people and with the intent to prevent people suffering from this. Does this make him a bad, satanic man no it makes him compassionate to save lives.

How many good spirit filled preachers have had vaccines?

We can reason this out ethically for a very long time

karl rashleigh

 2015/8/18 22:20Profile

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