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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Is God's word more than the bible?

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Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


Will pray.

 2015/7/31 13:38Profile

 Re: Julius21

Thanks, PP. And thanks for your research and HeyDave's research. I am looking forward to digging in deeper. Children of God not good and did not know that connection. I remember witnessing to COG people in the late 70s.

 2015/7/31 13:47

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


"COG" I never heard of them.

What I got from the artical
and than confirmed In the articals of his, that I posted : was the growing unbiblical view of :"historical Criticism"

I hope to touch on that later and the reason I found it so clearly evident in his artical.

I knew the entire time his view did not represent your view.
His view and agenda (historical Criticism)was hidden in trickery of words.
but do not believe that the deceitfulness is excusive to his cult. It is prominent in most of our circles.
and it does influence our understanding of inspiration.

The dead anbaptist denomination that my local fellowship is unfourtanetly still a member of, has been overtaken with the same views as what he was advocating : mysticm apart from the Bible.

 2015/7/31 14:26Profile

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


Mysticm apart from the Bible is not Christianity

Spirtual Christianity is what Charles Spurgeon wrote of John Bunyan - "Prick him anywhere;and..the very essence of the Bible flows from him. He cannot speak without quoting a text, for his soul is full of the Word of God

 2015/7/31 14:54Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama


Prayers for you and your family dear brother!


 2015/7/31 16:09Profile


Thank you, JFW and PP.

 2015/7/31 23:18

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936

 Re: Historical Criticism


The Bible is therefore to be valued because of its testimony to Jesus Christ. The Bible is absolutely trustworthy and reliable for the purpose it was given. It is designed to make us ''wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus'' (2 Tim. 3:15), not wise on such subjects as science, history and geography ­ which it is our responsibility to learn through general revelation."

This view is not exclusive to Mr BRINSMEAD or a specific cult, It is a very rapid moving heresy within Christendom,
the idea that the Bible is nothing more than a naturalistic human book that points us to a spirtual experience or good moral principles.

And because of it being a human book of no other purpose than to point us to a spirtual experience or good moral principles. It is considered to be filled with error not only in its detail but also in the areas of science, history and geography. That is exactly what Mr BRINSMEAD was implying. This ideology is called "Historical Criticism" It is the study about the Bible rather than a study of the Bible.
This ideology treats the Bible no more Divine than any other book that has been produced by man.
And so there logic is : what ever has been produced by man is fallible.
So the Bible has to be fallible.
(Is that not what we keep hearing everyone chanting?)
It is humanism it is naturalistic and it makes man and his fleshly intelect the measure of all things.

Jesus of the Bible than is able to be replaced with the "historic Jesus" that the Scholars have created.
and that is what Mr BRINSMEAD is implying when he says "not wise on such subjects of history"

Most mainline protestant and catholic seminary teach "Historical Criticism" to some degree. It is the reason the seminary has became known as a spirtual cemetery.

Mr BRINSMEADs artical was well recieved because of his appeal to spirtual life.
such appeal is often intertwined with "Historical Criticism". and so are moral principles often intertwined with "Historical Criticism". inorder to seduce

But this mysticism that rejects the devotional side of the Bible is not Biblical Christianity
Do not be fooled though, those practicing it often are walking in some kind of realm and some times are even able to display power especially in the areas of influencing others or at excelling in various areas of competitiveness.


Biblical Christianity on other hand believes : "A supernatural God must have a supernatural Book."

But bear in mind the Words of the Spirit of God; if you want to be guided, you must study the Word; because the Word is the light of the Spirit. - DL Moody

 2015/8/1 15:04Profile

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