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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 God's Holy People on Display

To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus. - Ephesians 1:1

When we think of ourselves as believers in the Lord we usually consider ourselves individually, and then perhaps think about our local Church or denomination. At times we can think of the universal Church that all true believers are a part of. Yet do we every think of ourselves in context of all of believers who ever existed? As Christians we have the great hope that if we die in the Lord we will also be with him (1 Thessalonians 4:14). All believers who were prophets or the people of God of old, or modern believers since the Acts of the Apostles, all are part of God's living Church today. Paul the Apostle uses the word "holy" for God's people meaning that we are set apart from the world, a different people who are not like others. Some early Church believers used the symbolism of an arena, the great coliseum where we who are still living are on stage. God's desire for us on earth is to be a living faith example to men in this world as well as unseen angels (Ephesians 3:10). It is even alluded to that the practice of head covering for women in the Church is because for the witness to angels of headship and God's order (1 Corinthians 11:10).

I remember early on in my Christian journey, as I was walking down a city street I had the very clear thought of my godly grandma watching me. It put a fear of the Lord in my heart that if any godly believers in the past could watch us in anyway and see our progress in the faith would we live differently? To put it more surely angels absolutely do watch us and observe us, have you ever considered holy angels of God weep as you embrace some sinful choice in your life? And last of all God who is all seeing and all knowing, watches our every choice, your every thought (Matthew 12:25) is witness to our life and journey in him. When you walk and go about your day do you think of yourself as a holy individual called and set apart to the Lord? We are holy temples of God and not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19). What an encouraging thought to consider that in Christ we are holy and set apart to him. We are also a part of the Church of the ages with all believers past, present and future. Let us muse on these things and consider them as we make our choices and live in this very temporal world that is fading like the grass in the field (1 Peter 1:24).

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2015/5/8 21:50Profile

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