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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Judging Other Christians By Outward Appearance

So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. - 2 Corinthians 5:16

The eye is an amazing part of God's creation and miracle that he has made. It is said that in one single square millimetre of the retina contains approximately 400,000 optical sensors. The eye by far is the most complex and mysterious part of the human body. With our eyes we perceive much of the world and so it is with Christian life we can perceive and understand things how we see them. It might seem ok or even natural to do this but the Apostle Paul declares that he used to consider things in this worldly way of judging by appearances and outward forms. But he realized that through the death of Christ and as people received new life in him that they were different in their inner man and necessary not everything in the outward changes. The world judges by the outward looks, but the Scriptures say for us to "live by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 2:7). We are going to receive new bodies in the resurrection to come and what would matter most in life is not outwardly looking impressive but preparing the heart for that coming judgment and resurrection.

The Apostle even says that he judged the Lord Jesus Christ by outward standards at some point, thinking he needed to be a worldly ruler and not understanding his teachings on servanthood and living by faith in a kingdom not of this world. We can easily judge others in christian circles based on their traditions, dress and ways they practice things. If the very Apostles could mis-judge Christ and make such major mistakes not knowing the heart, how much can we also do the same. We judge strongly but we do not know or what we are taught to not accept. We must not succumb to this worldly thinking but look to the heart. I recently had a meeting with a brother who travels the world serving Churches in India specifically. I heard a door bell ring and when I went out it was a person in full black motorcycle biker closes with long white hair, at first I thought it was the wrong person but quickly realized it was the brother. After a short time talking with him it was easy to see with eyes of faith he was a very godly man and loved the Lord deeply. How many times have we judged those who look religious thinking they must be pharisees or judging the person not dressed well enough and thinking they were not spiritual. Lord, give us spiritual eyes to see brothers and sisters as you see them. Seeing their hearts and love for the Lord. Amen.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2015/4/26 17:27Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: Judging Other Christians By Outward Appearance



 2015/4/26 20:13Profile

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