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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Loving Others In The Body of Christ

We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death. - 1 John 3:14

Jesus Christ has given us new life in the Good News of salvation in him. This new life exhibits certain attitudes and life style changes that will be noticeable to people around us. The Apostle John who was beloved of the Lord and often was found sitting beside him closely, wrote in his letter ways we can know someone has believed. One of the marks of being a true believe was that a supernatural love for other Christians and even the world comes into one's life. Those who are married realize daily there are hundreds of ways to show love to a spouse in serving them and being willing to be a servant. Such an attitude of sacrificial love will also be found in a believers life to others in the body of Christ. How many people have wronged you in church fellowships or slighted you in some way? Have you ever felt neglected or hurt by another in the body of Christ? Such instances really prove and allow us to show the love of Christ to each other practically.

In the early Church and in the letters of Paul especially we see the emphasis on unity in the body of Christ. Yet we also see many problems, as each of the letter represent responses to problems happening in the Churches, such as division, strife, wrong doctrine, false teachers, hurt relationships, sinful practices, etc. These problems that occurred in all the fellowships gave the opportunity for believers to exhibit the great love of Christ in them towards each other. Do you love your brother? Are you in a situation where you can show the love of Christ truly to your fellow believer? The warning comes to us that if we "do not love" we act as if we were still dead in our trespasses and sins apart from the life of Christ. Our Lord also warns us that at the end of the age: "the love of most will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). Do not let the enemy of your soul to allow you to harbour un-love to any fellow believer, this life now though full of hurts and pains even in the Church is the testing ground to allow us to love each other. Soon we will be in heaven and that opportunity will be over, let us not regret that we could have loved the brethren more or that we would not resolve an hurt towards another. Look to Jesus he will give you the grace to love as he loves.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2015/4/25 23:57Profile

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