Poster | Thread | Compton Member
Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| No point | | Dear brothers and sisters at SI,
I didn't start this thread for any deep treatise or theological discussion. I really have no point other then I need the fellowship. Lately I have been helping with an outreach that I feel completely overwhelmed by.
I volunteered to help the program at this fine church that I have only been at for a few months. Even though I am still a stranger to the congregation, I somehow became repsonsible for running this particular venture and feel overwhelmed. It's an outreach in conjunction with some bikers which I am about as culturally relevant to as if I were in Africa. (I look like a cross between McCauley Culkin and David Spade.)The only thing that motivates me to do this is my belief in its mission. It must be the Lord that puts a love in you for someone that you have nothing in common with.
One night after a planning meeting, I was particularly distressed. (I believe in planning...I love a plan. Impulse is not comfortable to me...)Well plans sometimes work and often they don't. I realized that I sorely needed someone to mentor me in this new area of ministry. Since it seemed that there was no one to teach me, I figured I would just have to put my big boy pants on and fake it.
I mention all of this in order to share the following little episode. After a bumpy meeting soured by fearful and complaining saints I wandered the church building to gather my thoughts (and lick my wounds.)Not knowing my way around I discovered a small chapel set up at the end of a hall. I thought I might duck in there for a quick prayer. Actually I was looking to gripe to the Lord. I frankly asked to be released from this burden. Obviously there has been a mistake and I was resentful for looking like a fool. So I unloaded my prayer and without waiting to hear anything stood up to leave.
That's when I saw the little handmade varnished plaque on the wall. It's woodburned letters read "Jesus Never Fails". My heart broke, my eyes teared, and I fell back down.
How quickly I forget. Fix my eyes on Jesus. Look to Him and be saved. Maybe if I am the most unqualified in my stength to lead this venture, then I am the most qualified to rely on His strength.
This weekend I am helping with some worship music for a revival meeting at a different church; a downtown mission. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the missions pastor has had much experience with the type of ministry I am trying to learn.
Like I said...I had no point for this thread. Except to say I am reminded once again that the Lords' grace is sufficient for me.
MC _________________ Mike Compton
| 2005/4/30 4:18 | Profile | dohzman Member
Joined: 2004/10/13 Posts: 2132
| Re: No point | | amen! I have the same thing happen. I really didn't want to preach . from the pulpit or the streets, terrifies me. When I preached for the first time in our church I thought I would get sick in front of everyone. Well I got through it and I'm still kickin'. I think God delights in using us weak things to confound the wisdom of the wise, I suppose if I could do the ministering without Jeusus' help I wouldn't need Him to be there. I was reading about the late Vance Havner who said he often got nerveous before a conference where he was speaking. I guess its like that alot in the body of Christ, whatta' think? Blessings Bro. Daryl _________________ D.Miller
| 2005/4/30 8:26 | Profile |
| Re: No point, Yes you are blessed | | Dear MC
Do you know how many people want to know the will of God and want to get into a ministry of some sort?
You are blessed, at least God is using you. There are alot of us still standing around at the market place. (Matt20:3)
You have something to offer now, we have nothing to offer, we just belt out what ever is on our minds. But you have experience, and what matters is that you continue in that.
While I was reading your post, I couldn't help but think about Moses's being inadaquate for the job that God had planned for him. He said that he couldn't talk right, and that would be a major obstacle if your leading a people. But God would have spoke thru him plainly if he had of trusted him. I can't talk right either, but I have at times spoken clear things when God's word wishes to be known to an individual.
I thought of Kathryn Kuhlman, she said she had nothing to offer to anyone, she had no talents, no trade, no nothing. She felt that she was useless just standing there on stage and seeing the miracles happening around her, and she said, "I have nothing to do with it. I am just as amazed when a miracle happens as the day they started". She would cry alot because she felt she was a useless vessal, I have heard from other ministers say the same thing. Even tho they had done great things, they feel like they have done nothing, and the the Apostle paul said the same thing. But when the anointing would come upon them, they were different people..
I thought of the desciples, how only one was educated, Matthew, and the others were ignorant fisherman. They were not great orators or statesmen, but when they were converted and became Apostles, they were all of these things. Even the great thinkers of that day, marveled and took notice that they were with Jesus.
So be blessed that you have been called out amongst so many to do this work for the LORD.
"Little is much when God is in it, Labour not for wealth or fame. There's a crown and you must win it, if you go in Jesus name". (song)
8-) |
| 2005/4/30 9:25 | | crsschk Member
Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: No point | | Nice to have threads with no point... Just more of the true paradox's of this life with the Lord.
Confounding isn't it? In such a wonderful way, all the curve balls and the 'odd balls' 8-) ..
Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Thanks brother for sharing this in all it's stark honesty, prayers are with you. The timing is interesting as well, some thought's from dear Dr. Tozer up around the bend...
Edit: [url=]Paradox[/url] _________________ Mike Balog
| 2005/4/30 10:37 | Profile | Compton Member
Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: encouraging | | I am so thankful for you guys. I appreciate all of these posts. You are an encouragement to the saints.
When I preached for the first time in our church I thought I would get sick in front of everyone....I think God delights in using us weak things to confound the wisdom of the wise, I suppose if I could do the ministering without Jeusus' help I wouldn't need Him to be there.
It's good to hear someone else is terrified Dohzman! I've heard of the fellowship of the brave but I belong to the fellowship of scared. All of you preachers here at SI are an inspiration to me.
Healingwaters, you are a blessing.
You have something to offer now, we have nothing to offer, we just belt out what ever is on our minds. But you have experience, and what matters is that you continue in that.
I can't decide whether to recieve your encouragement or put my arms around you and encourage you. I've always thought that God is giving you a big heart for a reason brother. I doubt it's to stand around in the marketplace for ever...unless the marketplace needs you! Thank you for your words of faith regarding Moses and the desciples brother.
Mike, thanks for being a fellow oddball! Some verses should be plastered on our bathroom mirrors as we are getting ready for our busy days each morning. This is surely one of them...
Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
That Tozer article is fantastic. Neilgin, if you are reading this...the article Paradox would be great narrated to would make a great complilation on its own.
This discussion reminds me of an Amy Carmichael poem called "How Hast Thou Known Me?"
"How hast thou known me? Oh, Lord I have known thee on the road to Galilee. You have known me on the road to Galilee? Where else hast thou known me? Oh Lord, I have known thee on the stormy sea. Thou hast known me on the stormy sea? Where else hast thou known me? Hast thou known me in Gethsemane? For I would have thee know me thorn crowned and nailed to a tree.
I would have thee know me all the way to calvary."
May it be precious Lord. We want to know you.
MC _________________ Mike Compton
| 2005/4/30 14:01 | Profile |
| Re: To be used of God..... | | any capacity is joy unspeakable and full of His glory. His glory is the life of a true servant of God. All is for the king, nothing for self. In exchange, you get to witness amazing things in an abundance of life seldom realized in this late hour. If mountains melt like wax in the presence of the Lord, so will bikers when you have Him onboard. Never attempt to minister to anyone unless you have first been before the Lord. No matter what your calling, gift, or lack there of. There is absolutely no substitute or shortcut. If you are going to achieve supernatural results (all true salvations are supernatural), then you must know and have fellowship with the Supernatural God. Jesus had to steal away and be with the Father. He said He did not say or do anything unless the Father first told Him or showed Him what to do and say. Dare we, his disciples do otherwise. To attempt such insanity is to doom ourselves to failure. To obey God is better than sacrafice. If He is calling You, He will lead you and guide you. He will supply all your need, and noone will be more astounded at what happens than you the minister. So press on toward Him, covered by the blood of the Lamb. If God has said, God will bring it to pass. Neither hell nor high water shall prevail against you. God bless you and keep you, lead you and guide you and prosper all you lay hand upon, in Jesus' Holy name. Amen and amen. |
| 2005/5/2 15:22 | | Compton Member
Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: thanks | | Wow Lahry, you really said something to me today.
I had just posted on this issue earlier today and these words would've been a perfectly fitting reply. I hear the Holy Spirit in them brother. There are times, when the Lord overtakes you in a Kiros moment, where the place you are at becomes an altar. All you can do is bow your head in gratitude and even awe.
If mountains melt like wax in the presence of the Lord, so will bikers when you have Him onboard. Never attempt to minister to anyone unless you have first been before the Lord. No matter what your calling, gift, or lack there of. There is absolutely no substitute or shortcut.
_________________ Mike Compton
| 2005/5/2 15:50 | Profile |
| Bless God fo you Mikey! | | that post reminded me of one of my favorite verses....Hebrews 3:1...
yes yes yes, look it up! LOL
praying for you beloved.
Neil |
| 2005/5/2 16:16 | | philologos Member
Joined: 2003/7/18 Posts: 6566 Reading, UK
| Re: Bless God fo you Mikey! | | Quote:
that post reminded me of one of my favorite verses....Hebrews 3:1...
One of mine in such times is the first two words of Psalm 12 with several exclamation marks added!!! _________________ Ron Bailey
| 2005/5/4 10:50 | Profile |