You have to read the whole article before getting to the shocking beliefs. I thought it was very good, although I knew some of them already. He's still the man.
part of the article:Point: we are all in process. None of us gets everything right all the time. That stands true for every Christian who has ever breathed oxygen.So my purpose in highlighting some of “the shocking beliefs” of those upon whose shoulders we all stand is not to burn these folks in effigy. Nor is it to dismiss their positive contribution to church history.Rather, it’s to demonstrate that even though they may have held to views that would raise the eyebrows of most evangelicals today, that doesn’t overturn nor negate the valuable ideas they contributed to the body of Christ.Unfortunately, many evangelicals are quick to discount — and even damn — their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ over alleged doctrinal trespasses, even if those same brothers and sisters hold to the historical orthodox creeds (Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed, etc.). Such discounting and damning can always be avoided and it serves no one on the Kingdom side of the aisle.When diversity within orthodoxy is encountered, grace should be extended. Just as we would want grace extended to us, seeing that none of us sees perfectly (Matthew 7:12)The words of Paul of Tarsus contain thunder and lightning for us all, “Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete . . .” (1 Corinthians 13:9, NLT).
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Yes, amen Greg. Well said.Sister Leslie
At the bottom of the article there are links to other articles on the shocking beliefs of Calvin, etc. The point is we must not throw out the baby with the bath water, which of course is the point of the article.
Assuming the baby was in the bath water.