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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : Are you doing your best to do good and avoid evil?

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Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


I don't like these threads that call out others, I think we would be more fruitful calling out ourselves. Anyone can set back and be an armchair quarterback, I guess if the thread would have been " Are "WE" doing your best to do good and avoid evil?" it would not seem so personal, and the person that started it would not seem so perfect.


 2015/4/17 15:05Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Hey Bill-

It's a trick question. If you answer "yes" you have fallen into the trap. You are not an enlightened Christian.


 2015/4/17 18:15Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650



You are twisting scripture very badly in my opinion. Christianity is not gobbledygook.

You are correct there is no condemnation for children of God because Jesus has paid our penalty.

However we must still do what our Lord commands. When we fail, we repent and keep moving onward. We "press on." Paul described the Christian experience as a race, and he said we must train for this race. We don't just coast along.


 2015/4/17 18:21Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


Hey Bill-

It's a trick question. If you answer "yes" you have fallen into the trap. You are not an enlightened Christian.

Man, after my triple bypass on Feb.7th, my mind has been off a little, but God gave me a second chance, thank you Lord!


 2015/4/17 20:45Profile

Joined: 2005/5/19
Posts: 724


Perhaps we should make a distinction between those under bondage to sin and those who have been freed from sin, circumcised of heart, and who are now new creations in Christ Jesus.

Reading the New Testament letters one will find numerous exhortatons describing actions believers are encouraged to take and evils they are admonished to avoid.

We can safely assume that every encouragement to act and every admoniton to abstain was given with the understanding that these actions were only possible through Christ living and working in and through them.

Why should we shrink back from warnings about dullness, apathy, laziness, neglect, and self deception? How often do we see exhortations to diligence, soberness, alertness, endurance, progress, and fruitfullness?

Have we developed an aversion to words like - "ought", "should", "must", "press in", "add", "lay hold", "be armed", "be ready"?

The ability to do any of these requires a moment by moment receiving help through the Spirit declaring the things of Christ to us. But God does make all grace to abound so that any believer can do anything Jesus, Peter, John, James, Jude or Paul said or wrote. These apostles understood that it would take their readers looking to Christ continually to walk in the truths they were calling them to lay hold of.

While it is true without doubt that apart from Him we can do nothing, it is equally true that we and, all who genuinely believe, can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Believers must ask, seek, and knock. Put off, put on, lay hold, add to, and do all of this diligently - and growth, progress, development, and capacity will be directly affected by the way each hearer applies the grace they have available. With the measure we use it will be measured. Growth and development is not automatic. Christian growth can become stunted and retarded, and the fault of this is not upon Christ, but fully upon us.

Alan and Dina Martin

 2015/4/17 20:59Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Amen Bill!

Amen Makro!


 2015/4/18 8:28Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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