Setting Our Affection"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."(Colossians 3:1-2)Paul is reminding us here that we are raised with Christ.Then based on that SEEK those THINGS that are above and that is where Christ is.SET your mind on those THINGS and to not SET our mind on the THINGS on the earth.The word for SEEK here means desiring and SET means entertaining and they both mean in a constant state.So we should be constantly desiring and entertaining our affection or mind on the THINGS where Christ is.The THINGS on earth are what our 5 senses can relate to and what our feelings can surround themselves in.The THINGS above and where Christ is are far beyond what we can experience with the THINGS here.I believe it has to do with not only what Heaven is like and what He has prepared for us and all He has planned for us in the future with Him but also who we are in Him now and what He has in mind for us now.Constantly desiring and entertaining our minds with who we are in Christ which encompasses all that heaven offers makes the THINGS of the earth so minute in importance.Just THINGS we have to have to sustain us now in this body,but our real life is with Christ while we wait for our Savior to appear.In a sense we are desiring and entertaining our minds with things this mind can't comprehend and that is what makes it so great and so rewarding and so intensifies our hope."For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory."(Colossians 3:3-4)"Seek those things which are above""Set your affection on things above""Not on things on the earth"What upsets us the most?It's when we seek and set our affection on things on the earth.Those things fail us and disappoint us.They give us false hope and lift up confidence in this flesh.Our real life is in Christ and that life doesn't fail or disappoint us or give false hope or false confidence.He is our life and One day He will appear and we will go to meet Him in the air.Then we will also appear with Him when He comes back in His Glory to rule this earth.And all that could just begin today.Our Blessed Hope."It is vain to speak of approaching judgment when finding our place, our portion, and our enjoyment in the very scene which is to be judged."C. H. Mackintosh.
Praise God. What an excellent exhortation and command for us to follow. The Lord's ways are much better then our own!
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon