Dear Mods (and all),I was wondering whether you might have considered putting the library of SI sermons on peer-to-peer file-share sites.I anticipate there will come a day when accessing them from just one site will be easily shut-down / difficult.Disseminating the sermons globally now. . .beginning to 'seed' them globally may be a way to make them more robustly available for the future. . .Also, you never know what closed-off societies they will begin to be available in via p-2-p file-sharing.Thanks.
I was wondering whether you might have considered putting the library of SI sermons on peer-to-peer file-share sites.
Disseminating the sermons globally now. . .beginning to 'seed' them globally may be a way to make them more robustly available for the future. . .
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Great! The flux of my personal life right now doesn't allow me to host the files. In due time though, when things settle some, I'll definitely be up for hosting a copy.I'll get in touch and send an empty drive.
Brother,After thinking about this further I realized that the files I have are not named right for distribution. So sending a harddrive will not they are all coded SID0014.mp3 etc so your best bet might be to download the software and download the files that way that rename them with folders for each speaker and downloads the title of the messages automatically! That way you could build the collection with the best speakers first and start sharing it etc. Let me know if you need more help.
OK.At any rate, it will be a while before I get started.If anyone else is led of the Lord and able to get started doing this now, please do so.Thanks.
Trust perhaps other saints will have the knoweldge and wisdom to accomplish this. May God see these messages go far and wide in 100's of different ways. You are all free to freely distribution these messages saints however God gives you wisdom and the burden.