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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : ENERGIZED BY THE SPIRIT by David Wilkerson

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Joined: 2002/12/11
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Jesus has never been more willing to show His power than He is right now because He has never been more powerful than He is right now. Our faith has to go beyond the point of death. It must look into the face of everything that is dead and proclaim, “Jesus never gives up on the dead!” We should never give up on anyone or anything, no matter how hopeless the situation seems.

Notice in the story of Jairus and his daughter (Mark 5:21-43) that the Lord was not interested in showing His power to unbelievers. In fact, He tells them in that room, “No man should know it” (5:43). In other words, “Don't tell them what you saw—the miracle is between us who are in this room.”

Those who hold on in unswerving faith are in for a glorious manifestation of Christ’s resurrection power. Only you and the Lord will know all the intimate workings. He will astonish you; He will thrill you; He will show you His glory!

The present greatness of Christ can be summed up in one powerful verse: “In Him was life” (John 1:4). He was—and is now—energizing life. He possessed life. Jesus was constantly being renewed as He drew on a secret reservoir of that which was never depleted. He never wearied of the crowds pressing in on Him. He was never impatient.

When He called His disciples to come aside for a while to rest, they departed to a quiet place across the lake. But the crowds were waiting there too. Not once did He say, “Oh no! It’s that problem bunch again with their silly complaints and stupid questions. Won’t it ever end?” Instead, He saw the multitudes and was moved to compassion. He was energized by the Spirit and went to work. He had days of toil and nights of prayer—and still he had time for the little children!

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2015/1/28 10:21Profile

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