TEXT: EXODUS 1:10 "Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land."
"And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables.Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word."
In the ministry, we would never stop seeing people in need around us: "...those things which are needful to the body;"(James 2:16) must also be made available to men that God, by His mercy, would bring our ways. No ministry or minister can and should major only in the spiritual wellbeing of her or his, as the case may be, flock . The gospel takes care of the total aspect of man: his spirit, soul and body:[this is not negotiable at all!] To this agreed the word of Paul to the Thessalonians:(Thessalonians 5:23)
"May God Himself, who gave you peace, consecrate your whole being. May you be safely kept, spirit, soul, and body, so as to be blameless when our Lord Jesus Christ comes back."(#Williams)
"...May you be safely kept, spirit, soul and body..." "... keep spirit and soul and body unimpaired...(#KnoxNT) "... and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete..."(#Amp.) We see then that the gospel is interested in keeping the whole man unimpaired! Paul after being given the right hand of fellowship by the elders and apostle in Jerusalem, was admonished to remember the earthly needs of men: to this Paul says: "Only we were to remember the poor — the very thing I was myself anxious to do."(Gal. 2:10)(#20cNT) The man of God was anxious to do this-taking care of the material need of man.
However, this can become a trap for a minister of God! The acts of the apostles is the beginning of the new testament church, as Genesis is the beginning of our earth. In acts of the apostles we see the birth of the church and also how she progresses in the plan of God. Note that Act 1:8, forms the mission statement of and for the church, given by her pioneer, the Lord Jesus. It reads thus:
"Nevertheless, you folks will receive power and will take to yourselves ability [at, or with, the] coming of the Set-apart Breath-effect (the Holy Spirit) upon you folks – and you will be My witnesses (those who testify and give evidence of what they have seen and experienced; and later: martyrs; = you will tell about Me), both within Jerusalem and within all Judea and Samaria... even as far as [the] end of the Land (or: the extremity and farthest point of the earth)."(#JMNT)
If a man is shifted from this mission statement and command of our Lord, he has missed it. In acts 2, we see the needs of individuals being met by fellow disciples, who sold their belongings and invested the proceeds on the needy, with the result that non was lacking amongst them. Observe that in act 3, Peter confesses that "... Silver and gold have I none..." Such a man like Peter would not lie to a common beggar! No coin was with him! This means that the proceeds from the sale refers to in Acts were not yet under the control of the apostles. The charity works were done directly: no middle man yet...no conduit! But by Acts 4, especially, vs37, the phrase, "Apostles' feet" is introduced.
"Having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles' feet."
The proceeds from the sale were thence dropped at the feet of the apostles: meaning, they became the managers of the fund and determine how it should be used. If any beggar asks Peter for money by this time, he would not say "...Silver and gold have I none" Why? Because he has money at his disposal now. To put a thing at somebody's feet means the giving of total authority over that thing to the person. From Acts 4, the church can no longer say, " Silver and gold have I none..." The church controls money now! Ministers of God are now in money. This could be a trap if not well managed.
So, the apostles became conduits...they became administrators of the proceeds or money put under their care and authority. They were involved in distributing foods. So, attention, seems to have been shifted from Spiritual to physical matters. By Act 6, disciples or followers increased greatly(of cause needs for what to eat and wear lay heavily on the apostles.) Murmuring broke out, the murmuring of fleshly needs and self desires. Widows revolted. Hence the Apostles were entangled and trap in this kind of mundane, though important, matter.
Take a look at vs 2 of Acts 6:
"So the Twelve called a meeting of the disciples. They said, "It wouldn't be right for us to abandon our responsibilities for preaching and teaching the Word of God to help with the care of the poor."(#MSG)
This is a ploy by the devil to distract the Apostles from their "...responsibilities for preaching and teaching the Word of God to help with the care of the poor." The material needs of men can divert our attention from the main work of God. The mess in which men are, can affect our messages. The origin of the breakthrough messages in our time stemmed from what men are going through and the inert longing for comfort in man.
A minister can change his massage simply because of deprivation or lack of finance. We organise business conferences and money conventions because of the value place on money for it capability to take away discomfort and ushers in pleasure. Where are our revival meetings; prayer conference and the feasts of the unleavened bread? Where is our all night prayers for souls in Satan's trains, without any hope to cheer the tomb?
The enemy is happy with us! Why? We are dancing to his tunes! The apostles left the word of God and started helping with the cares of the widows and needy. The massage of the cross and mission has been replaced with that of giving and offering. As if the appetite of men is more important than Jesus' command! 99% of churches on Sunday, preach about miracles and breakthrough! Music ministers draw their inspirations from these massages. The enemy is dealing with us wisely! Faith for visa, faith for change of accommodation etc. Our magazine and bulletins are littered with testimonies of miracle husband, jobs, houses, car and connections: no miracle soul won! Oh God send the light! Amen! To be continued. _________________ Emeka Joe Uzosike