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Joined: 2011/9/26
Posts: 940

 Holy Spirit Life

God is wanting to deal a blow to the self-life, to fill us with His Spirit on a daily radical basis. I pray you will become a student of the book of Acts, you will never be the same. The book of Acts has burned in my heart for forty-two years, it has changed my life, it has corrected me, it has humbled me, it has helped me to speak in the power of His Spirit all over the world, thousands and thousands come to a knowledge of Christ. If God can take a weak struggling character like me then I know he can work through you in greater ways than you have yet imagined. We want to see the Holy Spirit of Jesus empowering us every single day the rest of our life. That is God’s biblical “Plan A” for revival. Jesus by His Holy Spirit living through you everyday, every hour, every moment, until we are with Him. Maranatha. Amen.
– George Verwer

 2015/1/26 17:30Profile

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