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Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Symbolism of Owls, etc

I have a question, wondering how you would respond to it. It may be that men would not consider it an issue but I do think females who 'create' will..

Ungodly society will take from nature pictures that will stand as a symbol of their beliefs, philosophy.

For example, the owl. You will find owls everywhere. They are cute. You will find designs of owl that can be used in embroidery; there are figures of owls used in interior decorating.

I checked into the symbol of the owl:

I find this disturbing. God made the owl - long time before many ever perverted its image. I love owls - they are neat birds. Same to rainbows...

Years ago the New Agers and others used the rainbow - not seen much today.

Hey! people! God made the rainbow and its meaning there is beautiful! How can ungodly people usurp the beauty of God's creation and use it to symbolize their perversion? How should one respond to it? Do I have to abandon the uses of these images because man has perverted them?

What say?


Sandra Miller

 2015/1/26 13:39Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: Symbolism of Owls, etc

Men have peverted hunks of firewood for thousands of years by carving out idols. Doesn't mean we have to give up firewood.

We have owl salt and pepper shakers and at least two owls sitting on shelves. We too just think they are cool birds. I don't think about any symbolism at all.

If people want to pervert innocent things like owls and rainbows it is their problem, not mine.


 2015/1/26 14:13Profile

Joined: 2011/6/15
Posts: 562

 Re: Symbolism of Owls, etc

Hey! people! God made the rainbow and its meaning there is beautiful! How can ungodly people usurp the beauty of God's creation and use it to symbolize their perversion? How should one respond to it? Do I have to abandon the uses of these images because man has perverted them?

Perhaps all the more we should claim God's creation back for Him :)

 2015/1/26 15:16Profile

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri

 Re: Symbolism of Owls, etc

Paul talked about eating food that was offered to idols. The food was perverted so to speak by its being set aside as an offering to a pagan god. Paul said that he had absolutely no problem eating the food, especially if he was hungry, because he saw it simply as a meal. The idol meant absolutely nothing to him, so the food had no significance other than to fill his belly. But he said that if there was any way his eating the food might cause his weaker brother to stumble, that he would refrain. See 1 Cor. 8.

I think the principle is the same.


 2015/1/26 15:28Profile


Romans 1:22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
Apart from all those images and symbols we now also have an "Earth Day " even with an Anthem ! Are you ready for this ? Here are the first lines:"Joyful joyful we adore our Earth in all its wonderment, Simple gifts of nature that all join into a paradise"
Shocking - makes me want to weep !

The important thing about symbols etc is that we don't let them affect us.Eg many unbelievers think that bad things could happen on a Friday the 13.
But we know that the Lord is our Shepherd who loves us and guides us regardless of what day it is and we should fear no evil.

Come Lord Jesus, come!

 2015/1/27 1:50

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: Symbolism of Owls, etc

Have you considered the references in the Word? The Lord may be dealing with a philosophy deep within you and bringing it to light. Why don't you share what the Lord shows you about them in the prophets?

 2015/1/27 9:40Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


Jeremy, the LORD has not really been giving me a clear answer other then what has been posted here.

In my heart I am so disgusted with sinful society who will usurp God's beautiful creation and use them as symbols of their idolatry.

I love owls. They are awesome birds. I remember dad catching one and placing him on a corn crib, feeding it dead chicks...beautiful bird. I was in awe of it then and still am, but never would it be an object of worship or a symbol of anything good or bad besides.

Am not sure what the prophets say about you have a reference in mind, Jeremy? What is it?

Sandra Miller

 2015/1/27 14:59Profile

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego


Frogs are in the same vein. I know people who worship through collections of these, too.

And toads.

Tom Cameron

 2015/1/28 11:42Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532


There are a few meanings we should consider.

Psalm 102: The owl is a symbol of loneliness.

Isaiah 13: a sign of sorrow from judgement.

Isaiah 34: A sign of a place given to wild beasts, judgement wherein the land is no longer life giving. The owl is an unclean bird, so it is listed here with others like the raven and thorns which represent the removal of God's blessing.

Isaiah 43: The owl is a sign of the wilderness where there is no abundance but the beasts praise for His Provision.

Jeremiah 50: A representation of forsakenness due to God's judgement such that man is no longer allowed to dwell in a land.

Micah 1: Their sound is used as a reference to wailing in mourning.

These are the references in the KJV and though there are references to it being unclean to eat and as a symbol of abandonment by God, the owl itself contains no power and by itself has no meaning or symbolism. If you examine the passages, each time God explicitly expresses the meaning for that situation.

There is a tendency in interpretation that will apply the same meaning in every situation for every symbol. As students of the Word, we need to be careful about this because Christ's fulfillment of prophecy showed us that it's understanding is hidden until the Spirit reveals the full meaning and fulfillment.

Does it mean we should not regard the impression given by a sighting as false? By no means, the Lord still speaks through providential circumstances, dreams and visions. Seeing an owl may be a blessing of the Lord or it may be sign from the Lord that judgement is coming on a place.

We need to be careful that we don't only hold a natural view which may influenced by our culture and upbringing. On a farm, owls are beneficial for pest control so there is an admiration for a God given provision that enhances our perception of their beauty. There are other more ingrained aspects of modern culture that has to do with the pursuit of knowledge that the cataloging of species resulting in beautiful illustrations devoid of the real nature of these animals. A wolf may beautiful in a picture or prancing behind the fence of an attraction but in the field with your sheep who are your substance and livelihood, they are menacing, cruel and opportunistic beasts who come to steal ,kill and destroy. Owls kill small rodents but what if the rodents were killed off and all remained were your chicks and they started to eat those. Your view of the owl would suddenly shift from admiration to disdain. A fox is beautiful when spotted in the woods but not in your chicken coop.

 2015/1/28 11:48Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


Jeremy, I appreciate you sharing these verses. I had no idea the OT talked so much about owls. Gives me a lot to think about...appreciate that.

After I posted I still kept thinking about this issue because it just plain troubled me, or bugged me.

Then I recalled an incident a few years ago of a customer that stopped by our business. They were from out-of-town on the way home from attending the Mardi-Gras in New Orleans. The lady was so excited about all the strings of beads she got and ended up giving me several. They were nice; I thought I could use them in crafting, somewhere.

But I was troubled about using them because of their source. I talked to my husband and he thought I should throw them away! I thought they were too nice for that and told him so - that did not matter to him. I went on FB and posted this question: do I keep them or throw them away? The responses were very interesting. Most said throw them! The one who said to keep them was a friend of mine!

I discarded them.

This incident taught me now that in the case of the owl, the rainbow, the color red, etc. are made by God. And he called it good. It is original form it glorified God and still does in nature.

In the case of these beads they were made by man to be used at an event characterized by sin, debauchery. Anyone who has ever seen these beads will recognize them. If I use them in some craft someone may recognize its source and wonder at my spirituality - could offend them.

To me now the issue is clear, I understand - I think. Thanks for helping me.


Sandra Miller

 2015/1/28 15:59Profile

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