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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Some Honest Questions for Joseph Prince- Dr. Michael Brown

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Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Some Honest Questions for Joseph Prince- Dr. Michael Brown

On a regular basis, I hear reports about believers who have been transformed through the ministry of Joseph Prince, and I thank God for every one of those good reports.

Without a doubt, his message of grace is liberating many from legalism, performance-based religion and a spiritual inferiority complex, and for all of this, I am grateful.

In 1992, God spoke to me to do a fresh study of grace, and the results of that study were eye-opening, to the point that one of the chapters in my 1997 book Go and Sin No More is called "It's All Grace" while another is called "The Letter Kills."

So as much as I have been known as a repentance and holiness preacher (which is correct), my preaching flows out of and into God's grace as it is expressed most fully in Jesus.

It is because I am so jealous for God's true grace (see 1 Pet. 5:12) that I wrote Hyper-Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message, and while agreeing with many things that Pastor Prince teaches, there are strong area of disagreement as well. (For the record, a mutual colleague of ours delivered a signed copy of Hyper-Grace to Pastor Prince, but I have been unable to secure a personal audience with him.)

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 2015/1/25 18:46Profile

Joined: 2005/5/19
Posts: 724

 Re: Some Honest Questions for Joseph Prince- Dr. Michael Brown

Thank you Todd for posting this article. I appreciate the questions because I have been asking them myself for some time?


Alan and Dina Martin

 2015/1/25 20:29Profile

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