twayneb wrote:She has now experienced the love and power of God toward her, and it has really impacted her. She now has to deal with God's love toward her and decide how she is going to respond to it. The not so obvious, but possibly the deeper and more compelling motive, is that she come to a point of surrendering her life to the Lord and being born again. Ulterior is not necessarily indicative of evil intent. It can just as easily be indicative of a deeper and more compelling motive.
Deltafom wrote: "Jesus did his miracles to prove that he was Jesus is the Messiah , he is God in the flesh."Jesus didn't do miracles because he was God (although I certainly agree that He is).He did them because He was filled with the Spirit and that is what God wanted Him to do. No that is a fundemental christian Doctrine of the Christian Faith that Jesus is both fully God and fully manIf you deny miracles this puts you outside the christian faith as what do you do with the ressurection do you deny this miracle
_________________Dominic Shiells
Dominic-Where in the world have you got the idea from any of my posts that I am denying miracles?I think you need to read a little more carefully before casting such aspersions.