Content you were yourself to be saved.Not caring about the rest. Seeking Gospel blessings for yourself.Enjoying them and being blest.While a lost world is damned around you.And death seals their fate.You could have told them the story.You could have shared with them the Lord.Now it is too late for them and there is no hurry.You will be ashamed before the Lord.He will ask you why you did not go?He will ask with tears in His eyes.I sent my only Son to die for them.I gave my all He will cry.Why did you not share the blessings?Why did you not share the light?Oh you could have seen more come with you.More come to Salvation and Life.Time is fleeing and days are drawing closer.Soon we will be with our Lord.Will you not go and tell men they are dying?Tell them they are separate from the Lord?Sound the Gospel loud and clear.Let them hear the plea.Only Jesus is the way to salvation.Only He can set you free!
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon