"For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of; for necessity is laid upon me; yea woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel." —1 Corinthians 9:16
This verse comes to mind.
But with that said, I think this young Indian preacher might have an over inflated sense of self in regard to his calling and purpose. Such is ok. Zealous people usually think the thing they are doing is the most important thing in the world, and try to compell others to get involved with what they are doing.
While I think sharing our faith should be a regular part of our lives, it is something we do in the midst of all else that God calls us to do. It is central to who we are as a people, of course. But the idea that whenever we have a free moment, we should be doing some sort of evangelistic activity is a nice idea, but it isn't something I find in the Bible.
And frankly, most "evangelistic outreach" is ineffective outreach. While there is a place for evangelistic activity, like door knocking, handing out tracts, preacing in the open air, and that sorta thing, the truth is, Christianity has always and will always spread primarily through personal relationships. Such "activity" may keep us busy enough, and may make us feel good about what we are doing, but it generally is a low yielding fruit exercise... even in places like India.
Personal relationships take time to form, and they often form in the very "casual" moments of our lives, when we are busy relating to other human beings as human beings, enjoying life, working through struggles, getting to know them, having dinner with them, helping them out, and that sorta thing.
Personal relationships are the place where the Gospel is usually shared the loudest, the clearest, and in the most compelling manner. Standing around on a street corner, while it has its place... not so much.
And I speak as one who has done a lot of the aforementioned activities... and then some. _________________ Jimmy H