If u've ever found yourself in a fix between calvanism/areamanism like every sincere scholar may, i have one simple solution, at the end of every calvanist statement simply insert "in christ". Eg. Eternal election "in christ", once save for ever saved "in christ", the atonement is limited to those who belive "in christ" . In my crude theology this is just how i get around. But could it be that in their great thoughts of the sovereignity of God, the calvanist forgot the magnificence of Christ, if they've not forgotten that little phrase "In Christ" they won't have cause much trouble to some simple ones like me.
Ah, spirit of unity there! Sounds great. I may try this.
One more step; Christ in you the Hope =-(to anticipate, usually with pleasure); expectation (abstractly or concretely) or confidence:—faith,)of Glory.Faithing in the Hope of Glory, "Christ in you".In Christ and He in me: Christ in me is my eternal election, Christ in me is my atonement, etc, Christ in me is my all and in all, the Glory of God in Christ Jesus.Phillip