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 Why I Wasn't God's Child

For the first 29 years of my life, I sincerely believed all the facts of the gospel, yet I failed to be a child of God (even though I thought I was). The link below will take you to my story of why I failed to become his child and how that all changed. It is a fairly long writing (I think it will require about 20 minutes to read), but I do hope you will give it a chance. For it is not for my benefit or attention that I share this, rather it is with hope for others that I make this available. Hopefully, if you are failing in the same way I was failing, this writing will bring it to light.

 2015/1/4 13:17

 Re: Why I Wasn't God's Child

The Worker – (How I Became a Child of God)

Written By: Jason Holman

--At this same time twelve years ago, I was on staff at a semi-large (700-800 attendees) Assembly of God church. I was employed as the full-time children’s pastor. I believed my job was important and as a result of that belief, I took my job seriously. Even though I often found myself sidetracked by the general business of church life, at my core, I sincerely wanted to make a difference in the lives of the children I came in contact with each week. I wanted them to understand and believe the gospel I believed, and with this goal in mind, I would often teach them the basics of that gospel.

--I would begin these teaching sessions by first telling the children that we were all sinners. I explained that that meant we had broken God’s rules. I then told them that since we had broken God’s rules, we should be punished. I explained that because God was just, he could not simply overlook our sins. I then told the children that the punishment for our sins is death and separation from God in hell for all eternity.

--With this foundation of bad news laid, I would next share what I considered to be good news.
The good news I taught was that God loved us and didn’t want to punish us. I explained to the children that because of God’s love for us, he came to earth and took the punishment for our sins himself by dying on the cross through his only son Jesus. At that point in the lesson I would usually talk about the crucifixion and death of Jesus on the cross and follow up with the good news of his resurrection.

--After this, I told the children that they could receive the benefit of having their sins forgiven by believing in Jesus and accepting his free gift of salvation. I encouraged the children who wanted to receive this free gift to repeat a prayer that I would lead them in. This prayer usually consisted of telling Jesus that we recognized we were sinners deserving of punishment. We then ask him to forgive us of our sins and told him that we wanted to receive him and his gift of salvation. We ended the prayer by asking Jesus to help us live for him all the days of our lives.

--Once we were finished with the prayer time, I usually proceeded to tell the children that they needed to be faithful to pray and read their Bibles every day. Also, I stressed the importance of attending church so that they could grow and remain strong in their faith.

--Finally, I told the children that they should do their best not to sin, but along with this mandate, I also let them know that we would all slip up from time to time. I let the children know that if they did slip up and sin, they simply needed to ask Jesus to forgive them and to do their best not to repeat the same sin again.


--Even though it was fairly brief, in a nutshell you just read the message that I taught and the message that I believed. And yes! I really did believe it.

--Though I was not one to blatantly sin, it was still clear to me that I was a sinner. The most obvious sin in my life was the sin of lust. It was always present and it served to constantly remind me that all was not well in my life. But in addition to that sin, I was well aware that there were many areas of my life that were less than pleasing to the one I called Lord. Because of this, I knew that I was guilty before God, and I knew that I deserved punishment. For that reason I strongly held onto and believed the gospel I had come to know throughout my life.

--My belief and confidence in this gospel was so strong that I had no fear of death or judgment. I fully believed that on the Day of Judgment I would have a clean slate before God because the punishment for my sins had already been paid for through the death of Jesus on the cross. I believed that because of God’s love for me and because of the death of Jesus on the cross, I would certainly be with God in heaven for all eternity. And with these beliefs and convictions, I would have gone to my grave, but then…something happened:

--In May of 2003, the Great and Mighty Creator of the Universe called my name. He said, “Jason, come follow me!” And so…I followed.

--As I followed, the One whom I was following began to speak to me. He began to show me the error of my way. He told me that I was doing wrong in that I attempted to serve Him only because I wanted to avoid punishment (hell) and receive his gifts (mainly eternal life and rewards in heaven.) He told me that I should serve Him not because I wanted his goodies; instead, He told me that I should serve Him simply because He is the Great, Mighty and Wise Creator of the World. He told me that I needed to repent and start giving Him all my love and loyalty without regard to what came of my soul in the end. And so: I repented.

--After I repented, I grabbed my new Master as tight as I could and expressed to Him the new love and devotion I had for Him. As we walked close together, I looked down the path we were traveling, and from what I could see, it looked like a wonderful path to follow. Assuming that we would continue on this wonderful path, I grabbed hold of my God even tighter and promised that I would follow, love and obey Him for the rest of my existence no matter where he took me or what he asked of me. After I made this profession of faith and love, He looked at me and asked if I really meant it. Looking even further down the wonderful path we were on, I squeezed his arm as tight as I could and said without wavering that I meant every word of it. He then, to my surprise, stopped and changed directions. Because of the sudden change, I found myself staring down a path I didn’t want to travel. It was at this point I heard His voice, and it said, “Will you follow me down this path?”

--At that moment, I entered into the greatest struggle of my life. It was so easy to profess my love and allegiance to God when it meant doing things my heart wanted to do and going places my heart wanted to go, but as I faced this undesirable path, I found it wasn’t so easy. So for several days, we stood at this crossroad as I wrestled with my heart and will. While I couldn’t even consider walking away from the One I vowed to love and obey, I also couldn’t get my feet to take the first step down this new path.

--Thankfully, the One I was following showed great patience with me. He waited by my side. Not only did He wait, but he also continued to talk to me. He continued to tell me about Himself. He shared with me His wisdom and his goodness. And finally, after several days of standing still, a light clicked inside my soul.

--As this light clicked, my love and commitment toward my Leader seemed to multiply a hundredfold. When this happened, the apprehension I had of following Him down the path in question disappeared and it was replaced with joy. I then wanted to follow Him down the new path as much as I did our original path simply because I knew that I would be doing His will. Because of my strengthened love and trust for him, just the thought of doing His will brought joy. My circumstances no longer mattered. My joy was no longer in my circumstances; instead, my joy was in knowing that I was doing what my God wanted me to do.

--With this new joy, my heart burst forth with words that rushed past my lips, and I said, “Yes! Yes! I will most certainly follow you down this path and any other path you choose for me – no matter what it looks like.” And, I meant it!

--So with a spring in my step, I began to move forward down the new path when, to my surprise, my Lord stopped me; then He turned once again towards our original path and said, “Let’s go.”

--It was then that The One I loved said with delight, “You passed the test dear child! You passed the test!”
He explained that He had no intention of taking me down that path, but that He was only testing the sincerity of the love and loyalty I professed to have for Him. Then He said once again: “You passed! You love and obey me not because you are seeking your own personal gain, but you love and obey me because you sincerely want to please me and bring me pleasure. And dear child, rest assured; your sincere love for me brings me great pleasure.”

--It was shortly after this that The One I was following proceeded to do something wonderful. He gave me a gift. He gave me the gift of son-ship. Through His own divine plan, he took this once rebellious and sinful man and made him a son of God – a son who would bear the same righteous nature as his Father, and – a son who would eventually be conformed to the image of his Father.

--Foolishly, because I had been taught to believe so, I spent most of my life believing I already possessed this gift; however, once I possessed the real thing, it became quite clear that all I had really possessed up until then was a worthless counterfeit.


--Dear reader, this which I just related you to is the truth. Though the terms I used may have been somewhat allegorical, the event itself and the final outcome were very real. God made me his son.

--When I turned to God with sincere love and loyalty, God for the first time in my life took pleasure in me. Because God found pleasure and delight in me, He wanted to do good things for me (just as many parents are compelled to do something good for a child who is loving and obedient). As a result of His desire to do good things for me, He did the best thing imaginable; he adopted me to be his son.

--[Authors Note: The following description is going to be very brief. Also, it will not contain much scripture to establish it. However, I do have another writing available in which these things are explained with greater detail and supporting scripture. If you are interested in reading that writing, please contact me and I will send it to you.]

--He accomplished this by bringing me to His Son, Jesus. And just as I gave God my sincere love and devotion, I gave it to His Son as well. Once the Son saw my sincere love and trust towards him, he was also pleased. Because of the pleasure he had towards me he took me to be “bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh” (Genesis 2:22-24 & Ephesians 5:29-32).

--Through this miracle of being married to Christ (this is more commonly referred to in scripture as being baptized into Christ), I took part in His death upon the cross, and I also took part in His resurrection.

--By dying with Christ upon the cross, I was set free from my bondage to Satan.

--My bondage to Satan existed because I was born into this world as a son of Adam. Since Adam willingly defected to the devil’s kingdom, he brought all his children into the same bondage. So as a descendant of Adam, I too was in bondage.
It was because of this bondage that I so often struggled with and gave in to sin. No matter how strong my determination may have been in the past to not give in to certain sins, Satan, who rightfully held me in his possession, would crack his whip on my shoulders until I could stand it no longer. Finally, my resolve would break, and I would end up doing that which I did not want to do.

--But through the miracle of my marriage to Christ, I died with Christ. And by dying with Christ, I gained freedom from my bondage to Satan (for how can someone own you when you are dead?).

--Not only did my death with Christ provide me with freedom from bondage to Satan, but in addition, my death with Christ also enabled the penalty for my sins to be paid.

--As God brought me into his family, He in no way became unjust by ignoring the many offences I committed during my years under Satan’s yoke. Instead, he punished me fully through my death with Christ. Though it was Jesus who felt the pain of his crucifixion and tasted the darkness of death, it was my sins that were being paid for in that process. For through the miracle of being one with Christ, I died along with him and went to the grave with him. Because of this, the penalty for my sins was completely paid. And now, with the debt of my sins settled, I could join Christ in his resurrection.

--Because Jesus himself had not sinned, God could not rightfully leave him in the grave. So three days later, God raised Jesus from the dead.

--As God raised Jesus from the dead, He declared, “Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee (Psalm 2:7, Act 13:33, Hebrews 1:5 & 5:5).” It is through this declaration that I too became a son of God. For when Christ was raised from the dead, I was raised with him. Because I am one with Christ, when God declared Jesus to be His Son, I too was declared to be a son of God.

--As I was raised with Christ and became a son of God, I received the same Spirit (or nature) as my Father. Because I have His nature, my life now naturally produces fruit that is pleasing to Him.

--And so it happened, Jason Holman was born again. First, I was born into the world as a son of Adam. Later through the miracle of being baptized into Christ (or, married to), I went to the cross with Christ and died. I then joined Christ in his resurrection. And at that moment, I was born again. No longer am I a son of Adam, but now I am a son of God.


--If what I have shared is true (which it certainly is), then a good question to ask is this: why did it take 29 years for this to happen? After all, I wasn’t simply someone who hardly ever darkened the front of a church door. But instead, church (as most think of church) and the things of God were a huge part of my life. I spent countless hours in Sunday school, Sunday morning worship services, Sunday evening worship services, Royal Ranger programs, kid’s crusade services, revival services, youth services, etc., etc., and etc. And not only did I take part in all of this, I also took it quite serious. I longed for the things of God (or so I thought). I took the sermons to heart. I prayed the prayers I was supposed to pray. I did everything I was taught to do. And yet, I find out 30 years later that I had lived my life as a son of Adam and had not been born again. How could this have happened?
Actually, the answer is to this question is quite simple; however, before I proceed with the answer, I really want to encourage you who are reading this to take your time as you read the last portion of this writing. If what I am about to write is true, then everything we (or, at least I) have ever been taught is nothing but useless ideas. I don’t ask or expect you to believe what I am about say, but I do hope you will at least take time to fully digest what I am saying. Now back to the question at hand.

--The reason I spent 29 years of my life without receiving the gift of son-ship and salvation, is because God did not choose to give it to me. Since God did not choose to give it to me, there was no other way for me to obtain it.

--The gift of becoming God’s son is just that – a gift. The holder of the gift is God, and because He holds the gift, He is the one who gets to choose who to and who not to give it to.
Based upon scripture, I now understand that God will not give this gift unless His heart desires to do so. If someone asks God for the gift, and God has no pleasure in that person, it is certain that such a person has no hope of obtaining that gift. One who desires God’s gift can do anything and everything in hope of convincing God to give him the gift, but unless God is pleased with this person, his efforts are in vain. God will only give His gifts when He desires to do so.

--This is what Paul meant when he wrote of being saved by grace. Grace means favor. A person will only be given the gift of salvation if God has grace/favor towards that person.
For 29 years, God did not give me His gift because He had no pleasure in me. The reason He had no pleasure in me, is because I had no faith towards Him. Hebrews 11:6 confirms this by saying: Without faith, it is impossible to please Him (or bring him pleasure).

--Did I believe in God? Absolutely! But this was not faith (though a person who has faith will certainly believe in God). Did I believe that Jesus was the Son of God who died on a cross and rose again? Sure I did! But once again, this was not faith (though a person who has faith will believe this). Did I try to align my life with the teaching of scripture? Yes! Sometimes I even did this with incredible zeal, but that was not faith (though a person of faith will certainly do this, too).
I have done many things for God during my life time. However, in the end I found that God still had no pleasure in me. I can now see that His dissatisfaction with me was very justifiable. For though I couldn’t exactly discern my motives; God could. He saw that I did not come to Him in faith, but instead, I came to Him as a worker who was expecting payment later on. Let me explain. . .

--At some point recently, many of you who are reading this went to work. What I mean is, you went and performed a certain task for a company or individual with the expectation of being paid at a later time.

--It is unlikely that you go to your place of employment every day simply because you love your boss. And even if you do love your boss, I imagine that if he/she quit paying you for your service, then you would quit performing the task that you perform.

--You see? You’re not getting up every morning and driving through rush hour because you are fond of your boss; instead, you are getting up and driving through rush hour every morning because you have hopes of getting paid. Therefore, you are going to work. For thirty years, this is exactly how I served God.

--From my earliest memories, I sincerely believed what my parents and teachers taught me about there being an eternal hell and an eternal heaven. Naturally, with such a sincere belief, I very much wanted to go to heaven, and I very much wanted to not be sent to hell. Because of this desire, I whole heartedly embraced what I was taught, which was that if I wanted to go to heaven then I needed to believe in Jesus. I was taught that I needed to believe that he died for my sins and that he rose from the dead. I was taught that believing these facts was faith, and that God was pleased when I had this faith.

--And so, from my earliest memories, I believed. I believed that Jesus died for me, and I believed that he rose again. In addition to this, I did the things that I thought “Christians” were supposed to do. And just the same, I did my best to abstain from the things a “Christian” was not supposed to do.
For years I lived this way, and I took it serious all along. And though I wasn’t sinless, because of the things I believed, I was very confident that my appearance before God would be pleasant. I never doubted for a second that all was well between me and God. But later I would learn just how wrong I was. For everything I did and believed was not associated with faith at all, but instead, it was nothing but work.
How was it work? Simple! It was work because I only believed the things I believed and did the things I did so I could be paid for them with eternal life. I was doing something to get something. Pure love and devotion to God was not my motive, but instead, my motive was my own selfish expectation of payment. For this reason, God had nothing for me at all. The gifts of God cannot be obtained because someone works for them. God does not bargain with people like that. A man can only receive something from God because God chooses to give that something to someone. Apart from God choosing to give that gift to someone, there is no other way it may be obtained. It cannot be obtained by believing facts. It cannot be obtained by obeying every word of scripture. It can only be obtained because God desires to give it to you. And the scripture is very clear that the only thing that compels God to give his gifts to anyone is Him perceiving faith in that someone.

--So what is faith in the context of all of scripture? Faith is simply recognizing that God is God. Faith is recognizing that as God He is worthy of your complete and unwavering love, trust, and loyalty. And Faith will not just recognize the He is worthy of these things, but one who has faith will give God these things.

--If your faith is genuine, then you will not give God these things to avoid hell, nor are you doing them to gain heaven. Instead, you will give God these things because you realize that as the creator of a creation, He is worthy of these things.
That is faith. And when someone has that faith, God takes notice. Not only does he take notice, but he receives great joy and pleasure from that person of faith. And in response to his joy and pleasure, God will bless this person with the greatest gift imaginable – He will make this person His son and heir.

--However, for my first 29 years of life, I did not stir up this pleasure in God. For, I did not approach God in faith. Instead, I approached him as a worker. I believed what I was supposed to believe and did what I was supposed to do in hopes of being rewarded for my actions with eternal life. To Him, I was nothing but a greedy little beast who was trying to obtain His goodies with cheap little deeds.

--Fortunately for me, a day came in which God showed me my error. A day came in which He called me to love and serve Him for no other reason other than the fact that He was worthy of my love and service. And as He called, I answered. I ceased worrying about my eternal outcome and began chasing after Him for the sole purpose of bringing Him pleasure. I came to a place in which I was able to honestly say, “God, if I serve you my whole life and you choose to send me to hell in the end, so be it. The only thing I want is for your will to be done.”

--And then it happened: He was pleased with me, and I found favor (or, grace) in His sight. Because of God’s grace towards me, He gave me the gift of all gifts.


--There is no lie in what I just said. It is the truth. It is what the whole context of scripture teaches. It is the way that I became God’s child, and it was the way that every other child of God has come to be His child. But despite this fact, in every corner of the world, next Sunday untold millions of people are going to gather in various locations to hear various “teachers” and “preachers” tell them that they can have the gifts of God simply by sincerely believing certain facts and doing certain things. Though the details will vary from place to place, the central teaching that they can obtain son-ship and eternal life by believing the facts of what Jesus did on the cross will remain the same.

--In response to this, some unsuspecting soul is going to respond to this teaching. The will admit that they are a sinner in need of forgiveness, and they will confess that Jesus died for them and rose from the dead. In addition to this, they will commit to reading scripture so that they can live their lives according to its teachings.

--When this is said and done, those around this unsuspecting soul will pat him (or, her) on the back and congratulate him on his wonderful decision. The unsuspecting soul will then return home all smiles thinking that he escaped death and hell only to gain eternal life in heaven. However, in all of this, God is not smiling. For all that God sees is just another greedy person trying to obtain His goodies by a cheap act that deluded people call placing faith in Christ.

--Now, I believe it is worth asking: how can this be? How can the institution that is supposed to belong to God, miss it so bad? I mean we are not talking about some non-essential doctrine here, but instead, we are talking about the very foundation of God’s kingdom. And it’s not just this generation that has missed it, but you can trace this flaw back to the very earliest “Christian” writings that exist outside of scripture. How could God let this happen to His church?

--The answer to that question is really surprisingly simple; however, at this moment, that is not the important question to ask. The important question is this: Are you working for God or are you coming to Him because you love Him for who He is?

--May you find time to get alone to honestly examine your heart and motives. For, if you are working for God, then you are wasting your time. He will not bargain. When you later approach Him to receive your payment, you will find that He has nothing for you. His gifts are just that – gifts. He only gives them to those He has pleasure in – those who trust and obey Him for no other reason than the simple fact that they love Him. Does God have pleasure in you?

With sincere hope and love for all of God’s elect,

Jason Holman

Originally Written – March 2009
Updated – December 2014

 2015/1/4 13:42


Links tend to die over time. So I decided to help you out. I guess SI lost all of the formatting, so I did my best.


 2015/1/4 13:44


Sometimes when I copy things over, I lose every paragraph break and have install new breaks. Not a big deal on small writings, but a pain on the big ones. Also, I can be kind of clingy to some of my italics, underlined words, and such. Probably not a big deal to the reader, but since I put the there for a reason, it is hard for me to part with them and it is difficult or impossible to keep those formats with the current set up here at Sermon Index.

I would rather post something directly as apposed to a link, simply because I know that I am prone to ignore posted links. So thanks for the help. Now if someone chooses to read it, they have both options.


 2015/1/4 13:56

Joined: 2011/8/23
Posts: 1727
Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama


Formatting aside I read the post below and will re read it. Deserves to be chewed in and soaked in.


 2015/1/4 18:17Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953

 Re: Why I Wasn't God's Child


The gift of becoming God’s son is just that – a gift. The holder of the gift is God, and because He holds the gift, He is the one who gets to choose who to and who not to give it to.
Based upon scripture, I now understand that God will not give this gift unless His heart desires to do so. If someone asks God for the gift, and God has no pleasure in that person, it is certain that such a person has no hope of obtaining that gift. One who desires God’s gift can do anything and everything in hope of convincing God to give him the gift, but unless God is pleased with this person, his efforts are in vain. God will only give His gifts when He desires to do so.

I agree with your experience, but I do not agree with your conclusion. I had a similar experience like yours. The reason I do not agree with this conclusion of yours is because it is against scripture. Scripture should be always given higher priority over experience.

Luke 11:13-13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

We cannot live a God pleasing life without the power of Holy Spirit. We all need annointing of Holy Spirit, baptism of Holy Spirit. The reason why some receive and some never receive is not because God was not intending to give but it is because something wrong in the way they ask.

God will never share his glory with man. He wants man to come to the point of zero where he cries out to God that he is a 'wretched man I am you only can set me free', 'there is nothing good dwelling in me'.

Such a cry from heart will not come by telling someone that they are sinners. It will come only when a person realizes that he has no power in him to overcome sin. In order for us to come to this place, God lets us to live our Christian life by our own strength. We fail repeatedly and then repent. In this process we are broken and finally become the zero whom God wants.

In my life as well, I experienced the filling of Holy Spirit, the acceptance as a true Child on the day when I failed him miserably. I came to a point where I wanted to leave Christianity and run away from Jesus because I have dishonored him so much. It is that moment when I truely met a living Jesus.

If I had to compare my life before and after that incident, it will be like this. Before that incident I was a man who said 'I will now live for Jesus because I have chosen him as my saviour', after that I am a man who says 'Jesus will enable me to live for him because he has chosen me to be saved'.

The reason why many do not come to this stage is because they are trying to earn it. But all Jesus wants is people who are thirsty and hungry for his life in them.


 2015/1/5 2:30Profile

Joined: 2008/4/12
Posts: 1306
Hampshire, UK


Sree said: "I agree with your experience, but I do not agree with your conclusion. I had a similar experience like yours. The reason I do not agree with this conclusion of yours is because it is against scripture. Scripture should be always given higher priority over experience."

This is exactly what I thought when I read the OP. Also I agree with the points you make Sree.

I agree with the OP in that regeneration comes by more than just a mental agreement with salvation truths. These truths about God and Christ must lead to us responding (in repentance and faith) and submitting to Him.

However, God rewards of those who diligently seek him with new life, freely to all who will come! the true God is not fickle or arbitrary like the Muslim god who they think may bless or may not just because he can and no one can know for sure.


 2015/1/5 5:04Profile

 Re: Why I Wasn't God's Child

I also totally disagree with his conclusion. Let us not forget the Christ died for us WHILE we were yet sinners and without any strength whatsoever. God’s plan of salvation is to rescue mankind from sin and the consequences of the 1st Adam. God in Christ has brought us in union with Him. This was ALL of God’s doing, not by anything that have ever done or can ever do. We can NOT somehow improve our self to cause God to have favor on us. Faith itself a GIFT from God and is freely supplied to us even while we lived in sin. The true gospel message must have its foundation on what God in Christ has already accomplished through Christ’s life, death and resurrection! It is this very gospel that actually contains and supplies the faith that is needed so we CAN respond and embrace HIM for saving us.

 2015/1/5 8:51


Sree, Heydave, and Tuc

I have no need or desire to argue on this matter. I know what I know, and I know how I came to know it and that is enough for me. But for the sake of others reading this, I will defend what I have written and boldly say that it is very much in line with the entire context of scripture.

This is precisely what Paul meant when he said:
Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

The first thing to understand is that grace = favor. There are a few times in the New Testament when the word grace seems to allude to something else, but for 95% percent of it occurrences in the New Testament (and I think nearly 100% in the Old Testament), you can swap the word “grace”, with “favor” and have clearer picture of what is being said.

With that said, now take a look at these verses.

Eph 2:8 For by favor are you saved through faith.

Paul is first saying that we are saved because God had favor towards us. He next tells us what it is that provokes this favor of God, and that is FAITH.

One who has faith does not merely believe Biblical facts about God. Instead, one who has faith recognizes that God is truly the Great and Mighty Creator of the Universe. One who has faith will realize they we are created by Him and for Him. One who has faith will bow there knee unto this Wonderful God and pledge unwavering trust and allegiance. This faith (or act of faith), is not motivated by ones desires to receive anything in return from God. Instead, their knee is bowed unto Him simply because they see Him for who He really is.

When someone turns to God with this kind of faith, God is pleased. He is filled with pleasure. And his pleasure prompts Him to give this faithful person a gift. Which is ultimately, the gift of Son-ship through His glorious gospel that He laid out before the world began.

One who receives this gift did not work for it. For when they turned to God with this sincere faith, they weren’t motivated by their own selfish gain. They were just simply people who recognized God for who He was and gave Him the loyalty, love, and trust that He rightfully deserved.

It seems like every time I try to share this truth, people turn the tables and try to accuse me of promoting works. They imply that the “faith” I am promoting is actually a work in itself. But that is simply not the case. It is not work, because I did turn to God with this faith with any hope of personal gain. It is not work at all, it is just the proper response from one who has all five senses intact and is able to see, smell, touch, taste, and hear the goodness of God that is clearly revealed to mankind every day.

In fact, it seem clear to me, that the only people who could call “faith towards God” a work, are those who are currently rebellious and hostile towards Him. Yes, for those, such allegiance and loyalty could only be called WORK.

To clarify what I said a little, let me use this analogy.

I have two children, but these children love me not. They like my goodies, but the really have no love and affection toward me as there dad. If I ask them to do the dishes, they simply say no and stomp off. Because of this rebellion, my heart feels no pleasure towards these children.

On occasion, they find that they are in need of a few extra dollars, so they come to me and ask for the money they need. I then explain to my kids that because I am disappointed in their behavior towards me, I have no desire to give them anything.

Seeing that I won’t budge on my decision, my kids try to strike a bargain. They ask if I will pay them for doing the dishes. To this I agree. So my kids grudgingly do the dishes, then I give them the few dollars we agreed upon.

My kids did not do the dishes because they loved me, and I did not give them the money because I was motivated by pleasure (or favor) toward them. Instead, the whole arrangement was based on work. The kids did the dishes out of obligation, and I paid them out of obligation.

While I may work on these terms, God will not. He works in the following way….

I have two children, and these children love their dad very much. The often come to me and express thanks for the good I show them. They are thankful that I give them shelter, food, and clothes. They often come and hug me and tell me they love me, for no reason except that they desire to do so.

The other day, I came home from work and discovered the house cleaned from top to bottom. I walked through each room amazed at how clean it looked. When I reached the final room, my children were standing there with big smiles on their face. They ask, “do you like it dad?”

“Yes,” I respond. “But why did you do this.”

“Because we just wanted to do it for you,” they say.

As I look at their faces, I can see that they are telling the truth. They are delighted simply knowing I am delighted.

As a result of this, I find a great surge of joy in my heart. I am just so pleased with my children that I can’t help but want to do something good in return. So that evening I take them out to dinner at their favorite restaurant and buy them all their heart desires.

This gift was not given out of obligation as payment for work they had done (for they did no work). Instead, it was a gift provoked by the pleasure I felt in my heart to my children because of the great love they show to me.

Ephesians 2:8&9 (JLH74 Version) You were given the gift of salvation because God had favor towards you. God had favor towards you because you had faith towards Him. You have nothing to boast about, because you did nothing worthy of boasting about.

Oh how I hope that just one person can see the beauty of this glorious truth.


 2015/1/5 15:23

Joined: 2008/4/12
Posts: 1306
Hampshire, UK



What you wrote in your last post is much clearer and I would agree with much of what you say. You say clearly that God has favour on those who exercise faith toward Him. This I agree with and said as much in my post. However there were some things you stated in the original post that appear to suggest that God just has favour on whom He pleases and there is nothing we can do to truly come to Christ. Maybe I and others are just misunderstanding what you wrote, or maybe you need to be a bit more precise in what you say.

I do like and agree with your emphasis on coming to Christ for who he is and not what He can offer us. However (and it is a big HOWEVER), the scriptures clearly teach all through the bible that we come to Jesus to save us from our sins. Jesus and the apostles clearly stated this many times. The fact that Christ was called Jesus was to say that He would 'save His people from their Sins' (Matt 1:21).
Here are just a few examples of the bible exhorting us to come to Christ so we can RECEIVE from Him:

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink."

"Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

"So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

There are many, many other examples we could refer to, but my point is that you cannot say it is wrong to come to Christ for salvation and all that He offers, because it clearly is preached by Christ and the apostles that is what men should do. In fact it is only a humble heart that acknowledges their sin and recognises that their need of salvation as a gift from God and nothing we can do of ourselves.

Now I do understand that there is a possibility that some folk may just want an insurance ticket to escape hell, but don't really want Christ and his righteousness, but that is a different issue I think. We just have to be careful in trying to highlight one truth we don't deny another truth.

God bless you in your walk with Christ.


 2015/1/6 6:54Profile

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