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Joined: 2010/10/26
Posts: 240

 Looking for a book: 'Seen and Heard' by James M'Kendrick

I'm currently reading Wathman Nee's 'The Breaking of the Outer Man and the Release of the Spirit' and in it he mentions the book 'Seen and Heard' by James M'Kendrick.

It's an old book and a pdf without copyright should be available.

Does anyone have a link to a free pdf/ebook of 'Seen and Heard?'

I've only found a copyright version at:

 2014/12/30 3:41Profile

Joined: 2011/8/23
Posts: 1727
Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama

 Re: Looking for a book: 'Seen and Heard' by James M'Kendrick

I did a quick search of the US Copyright office, 1978 forward (online and free) and found nothing copyrighted here. The site you linked mentions a UK copyright. Apparently, as I see it at least, the publisher added something (foreword, commentary, something) to the book and that may explain the copyright on such an older written work.

A few places have the book for sale online. I see nothing of any pdf or other text versions for free.


 2014/12/30 13:30Profile

Joined: 2010/10/26
Posts: 240


Thanks. I suppose the publisher re-publishing it is cause enough to earn them the copyright...

I'll buy it in due course.


 2014/12/31 1:21Profile

Joined: 2011/8/23
Posts: 1727
Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama


Hi, I hear you ro. I think they only have a copyright to that portion of the work they may have added. You saw Ray Comfort do this with Origin of Species. He certainly had no publishing rights for Darwin's book, but he added his own material to that public domain work, and you will see a copyright when you open it.

I think M'Kendrick's book, itself, is probably public domain. His obscurity is probably why no one has bothered to put the text into pdf or online. You could be the first! Why not buy it in due time, transcribe it faithfully into RTF and PDF, and submit it to sermonindex and see if they will include it in their Christian books section?


 2014/12/31 8:49Profile

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