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I believe God is calling me to a deeper level of faith. That, He is preparing me in mysterious ways.

After this thread was started, I chewed on it more. Mostly going back to my examples of Jesus with Judas Iscariot and St. Francis of Assisi and his followers.

But now that I look back, I don't see Jesus as being betrayed by Judas but instead 'not being of His fold'. That Jesus brought someone who wasn't of God, close, to love them and show them the model of life.

Kind of if I bring in a prostitute into my home. I don't learn of her ways. Instead, I show her day by day the way of life I live, act, breathe, and have my being. She may leave and still choose prostitution but she had a first hand experience of the Truth. (fyi, I wouldn't recommend this. this is just an illustrative example to hopefully elaborate on my statements)

But as a personal testimony, someone close to me decided to reject our agreement and counsel. Decided to act alone even though we mutually decided to act together at a later date. They acted prematurely. At first I was angry but I decided to check my attitude. And just mourn as things were badly going down. I was sitting in my pain as everything went down.

Now, at this moment, sure I felt betrayed. But I decided to let go of control. To let go of the trampled agreement. To just pray because it was fully out of my control.

Sure enough. God showed up. Not through me but through the one I felt betrayed by. In my mind, it was nothing short of a miracle.

I did discuss things with the breaker of the agreement but I also told them. "Honestly, I'm not going to hold onto what you did against me. I wouldn't like to see it in the future but all I can really say is that I'm glad God showed up and did only what God could do. Restore. Heal. And unify."

I could've continued in my betrayal. Anger. Resentment. Pain. Ideal. But God was doing something greater. He turned a horrible methodology into something of His glory.

 2015/1/9 18:28

Joined: 2007/1/15
Posts: 365


So glad to hear of His doings in your life.
Trials do help us see our heart condition so we may ask the Lord for help, which He unfailingly provides.

Blessed be His high and holy name...


 2015/1/9 19:02Profile

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