Great testimonies...I have a few questions, not sure how to word them, but perhaps I need to tell you the story and then you can figure them out. We have a friend who adopted a baby boy. He had some birth defects - a picture of him as an newborn shows the plates on his scalp not together - there are ridges. Looks bad. His mental capabilities are less then normal - not quite retarded but almost. His has limited motor control of his limbs.In growing up he rebelled...the objects of his rebellion is his parents (mostly his mom), and his birth mother. He never could accept his handicap...that is another story. Anyhow, he has been in group homes because he makes life miserable for his family. The last time I saw him, which was a few months ago, he looked so bad - his face looked like the devil! I kid you not!How can a person help him? I told his mom what I saw and she agrees. How can you help a person who spurns help? This 30 YO is a very angry person who is suicidal at times. The situation is so bad... What say?Sandra
_________________Sandra Miller