Days of Heaven on EarthSunday, November 09, 2014A fter having become adjusted to our Living Head and the source of our life, our business now is to abide, absorb and grow. We do this by leaning on Christ's strength, drinking in His life, feeding on Him as the Living Bread and drawing all of our resources from Him in continual dependence and communion.The Holy Spirit will be the great Teacher and Minister in this blessed process. He will take of the things of Christ and show them to us, and He will impart them through all the channels and functions of our spiritual lives. As we yield ourselves to Him He will breathe His own prayer of communion, drawing out our hearts in longings and hungerings, which are the pledge of their own fulfillment, calling us apart in silent and wordless prayer, and opening every sense and sensibility of our spiritual beings to take in His life.As the lungs absorb the oxygen from the atmosphere, as the senses breathe in the sweet odors of the garden, so the heart instinctively receives and rejoices in the affection and fellowship of the beloved One by our sides. Thus each of us becomes like a tree planted by the rivers of water (Psalm 1:3).ScriptureBecause I live, ye shall live also—John 14:19