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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : THE SCHOOL OF THE HOLY GHOST by David Wilkerson

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Joined: 2002/12/11
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Why did things go wrong for David? Because he was in the school of the Holy Ghost! God was producing character in him—and only trouble can bring it forth. There were to be no more Sauls, undisciplined and untrained by a lack of trials. Saul started out right but soon wilted because he was never tested. God now sought a man He could trust, a man with whom He could build an enduring house.

There was never a moment the Holy Spirit was not with David. God could have sent angels; He could have spoken a word; He could have sent a heavenly host to keep David out of trouble. Instead, He permitted it all so that David would come to the end of himself and throw himself completely on the Lord. We would have had none of those great psalms of trust and faith had David not been tested.

Some of you are at Ziklag with David—or you are headed there! In 1 Samuel chapter 30, the story is told of how the Amalekites had overtaken God’s people, devastating lives and property. David was in great distress, as his own people spoke of stoning him because they blamed him for the disaster. “But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6). As he turned to the Lord (verse 8), he was assured that all that was lost would be restored to him. In verse 19, we see the final outcome: “David recovered all.”

David got back his family and his goods, but there was so much more that was restored to him. Most important was that he regained his confidence in God, his assurance that God was still with him. The power of his anointing was renewed, along with a new hatred for the enemy. On that day David got his diploma! He had learned to inquire of the Lord and to encourage himself in the Lord. From that day on, he grew stronger and stronger—and prevailed.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/11/8 9:32Profile

Joined: 2012/3/12
Posts: 87

 Re: THE SCHOOL OF THE HOLY GHOST by David Wilkerson

Once I wondered why God allowed Saul to continue on the throne of Israel after he been clearly rejected, Later it became clear the delay was due to the simple fact that David wasnt yet ready to take over the reins of power . Saul rebellion was a good tool for God to refine purify and prepare David to be a model servant of God. The speed at which God's plans for mankind is consummated is very much linked to our spiritual maturity . If God's timeline seems long and protracted its because we are not ready. We are to be blamed.

 2014/11/8 10:17Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!


KPYee wrote:
If God's timeline seems long and protracted its because we are not ready. We are to be blamed.

Why do you have to place "blame," brother? God does not work on one person at a time, Saul wasn't on the throne merely because David wasn't ready. David was ready to lead the nation before he became King.

But returning to Saul, perhaps in His mercy God was giving Saul time to repent until finally there was no more room for repent because of his final act of rebellion?

God bless,


 2014/11/8 13:23Profile

Joined: 2012/3/12
Posts: 87


 2014/11/8 17:53Profile

Joined: 2012/3/12
Posts: 87


The blame is a corporate blame. On Chrstians collectively. Jesus said in Rev2 He that overcome to them will I give power over the iron rod...he shall break in pieces..This is a prediction that if we overcome our sins we will be able to break the darkness that envelops the world & bring them to Christ. If thats not happening now its because we fail to overcome our own sins.

Saul was kept on throne not so that he may repent. God knew he would not repent. He told Samuel not to mourn for him further. His sins though actually less serious than the sins David would commit corrupted him to the extent repentance became impossible .. its not the enormity of sins that is decisive but its impact on us..

 2014/11/8 17:56Profile

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