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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Serious prayer needed!

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Joined: 2012/5/27
Posts: 174

 Serious prayer needed!

Good morning everyone. I am requesting prayer for a deacon in our church. He recently found out that He has cancer and would have to take Chemotherapy treatments. The Bible says that with God shall nothing be impossible. I know God can heal him. I have witnessed many miraculousl healings of cancer, and broken bones, etc.

A brother in our church had a genius idea. This Sunday night at our church we are having a testimony service. Anyone who has ever been healed is going to testify. The Bible says in revelation 12:11 that they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the words of their testimony.

I'm praying that this will build up his faith that he will receive. Jesus said its thy faith that makes thee whole.

My request is that you all pray for his healing. Pray that He would receive this and be healed in Jesus name.

I will post when he is healed. Love everyone thanks for praying.


 2014/10/31 8:16Profile

Joined: 2011/8/23
Posts: 1727
Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama

 Re: Serious prayer needed!

Praying for him!


 2014/10/31 8:50Profile

Joined: 2012/5/27
Posts: 174


Wanted to touch base with everyone. Thank you dolfan, and anyone else who prayed. Our brother received his healing, he is cancer free. He laid on the altar and let God do surgery on him.

The power of God was manifested in our services yesterday. Last night though, was like the day of Pentecost. The Holy Ghost came in like a rushing mighty wind. People were on their face weeping and crying out to God. They weren't just being challenged they were being changed.

I thank God for the healing that was not only given to our brother, but to everyone that was obedient unto the Spirit.

Thank you again to everyone that interceded. God bless.


 2014/11/3 8:06Profile

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