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twayneb Member
Joined: 2009/4/5 Posts: 2256 Joplin, Missouri
| Re: | | Karl:
I have concerns about the lack of discernment in the body. As believers we are to be students of the word of God. This is where discernment has its bedrock foundation. Although the Holy Spirit can prompt us that things are not right, trying to base discernment on what we "feel" about a situation is dangerous. We simply MUST have the study of the word of God as a foundational part of our walk with God. It is part and parcel with growing to maturity.
I have seen many who are so enamoured by signs and wonders that these manifestations become the focus of their walk with God. That should not be so. Miracles, signs, wonders, manifestations follow the believer, but they should not be the focus of the believer. I have seen true manifestations of the Spirit of God and I was blessed by them, but I have also seen manifestations that were of the flesh, and perhaps even of a spirit other than God.
Cain ridge was the scene of great manifestations. I recall reading of a preacher waving his hand and several hundred people falling down at once. Finley speaks of these manifestations bringing great fear to his heart, but it was a fear that was accompanied by great conviction of his lost condition. He ran from Cain Ridge but was overtaken by the Spirit of God and wound up crying out in repentance in the home of a German couple. When he was born again, he returned to Cain Ridge.
Manifestations are a tool used by God to accomplish His work. 1 Cor. 14 tells us that the manifestations are to profit withal. It also tells us that some manifestations convict and convince the sinner. Others, such as gifts of healings, are more obvious in their purpose. But these things should be a result of walking with God and in the power of the Holy Spirit rather than a badge of spirituality or a toy that we lust to play with.
We are to covet earnestly the best gifts, but we are to do so in the motivation of 1 Cor. 13.
My great grandfather once traveled to Mexico to minister. He did not speak Spanish at all, and an interpreter was arranged. When he rose to minister, the Holy Spirit prompted him to speak in tongues. The result was an entire message preached in fluent Spanish. When he sat down after preaching, he once again understood absolutely no Spanish. That is an example of God using a manifestation of the Holy Spirit to minister to others out of His love and grace. _________________ Travis
2014/10/22 9:20 | Profile |
AbideinHim Member
Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: | | "Manifestations are a tool used by God to accomplish His work. 1 Cor. 14 tells us that the manifestations are to profit withal. It also tells us that some manifestations convict and convince the sinner. Others, such as gifts of healings, are more obvious in their purpose. But these things should be a result of walking with God and in the power of the Holy Spirit rather than a badge of spirituality or a toy that we lust to play with."
And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. (Mark 16:20).
When the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, God will confirm His Word in various ways. It might be through the saving of sinners, the restoration of backsliders, the healing of the sick, deliverance from the power of the enemy, healing of emotional wounds, and many other manifestations of the Holy Spirit as a result of the Word of God being ministered in power and anointing.
_________________ Mike
2014/10/22 9:48 | Profile |
crusader Member
Joined: 2006/2/22 Posts: 413 Australia:
| Re: | | Hi twayneb
thankyou for sharing this, i agree before i first posted on this subject i was very hesitant cause i can forsee this getting sticky on an open forum. i read a bit about the cain ridge revival and liked what i was able read about it. the principle in which i stand by is that Signs and wonders follow, this means they are behind me when i am walking towards the lord. where as if i am looking at the signs and wonders i can be dazzled by the manifestation.
in my own life i see this in a churchs which i have been attending. a man gets up and tells everyone for about 10 minutes about wonderful manifestations that God is doing and then goes on to say that God can do these same things today and now. I can see the hope of the congregation that God is going to do something so amazing in front of them that they all wait in participation. When God doesnt manifest the minister feels pressured now to prove gods existance by way of manifestation. the congregation starts to doubt the power of god and i see the enemy at the hieght of his attack durring this. The pastor is hesitant in preaching about sin just in case it interupts the atmosphre in which they have made in the room
I too see Many of the revivals that i have read about preached heavily about sin and it was the point of conviction that the manifestations occured, the focus of the people was about their own sin and sorting this out with God and as a result the miricles and wonders followed they were not seeking them.
My wife and i have been going through a heavy spiritual trial since february and as each incident occurs i am on my knees before the father bringing these burdens to him. i dont expect anything to happen physically except that he hears my voice and i am to await an awnser. sometimes a tremendous peace comes upon me, other times my fears just disapear and on occassions my prayer is awnsered the next day.
i believe that the posts that i have read so far on this topic are each right for the disposition they are highlighting i am just pointing out the dangers of following these out of Gods order.
quote My great grandfather once traveled to Mexico to minister. He did not speak Spanish at all, and an interpreter was arranged. When he rose to minister, the Holy Spirit prompted him to speak in tongues. The result was an entire message preached in fluent Spanish. When he sat down after preaching, he once again understood absolutely no Spanish. That is an example of God using a manifestation of the Holy Spirit to minister to others out of His love and grace.
This touched my heart, your great grandfather went to see souls saved for God and as a result god equiped him to do this and yet the manifestation followed as a sign of Gods authority accomplishing his word.
Just to be clear i am not for or against revivals nor am i doubting Gods abilities, im just pointing out a few things that God has shown me over the last 20 years.
I know nothing about the brownsville revival but i will look it up and examine it for myself only.
_________________ karl rashleigh
2014/10/22 14:41 | Profile |
TMK Member
Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | Hi crusader--
The only thing I would caution about in researchin Brownsville is that of course heresy hunting "discernment" sites would trash it because they don't believe anything charismatic is fit today. John MacArthur would not be able to give an unbiased view of the matter.
Instead, I would recommend listening to some of Michael Browns sermons on this site. One of his sermons, "holy desperation" is not on this site but you can watch it on YouTube. It was spoken at Brownsville. _________________ Todd
2014/10/22 16:11 | Profile |
crusader Member
Joined: 2006/2/22 Posts: 413 Australia:
| Re: | | Hi tmk
thankyou for that, yeah i saw a couple of vids on youtube which i will watch later as i can actual see whats happening. I have heard a bit of John MacArthuers and others view on the subject but when i look at things for my own understanding. i normally study it like a cube where as i look at each side on its own interpretation but i will keep my conclusions to myself as this is more for me to understand where everyone is comming from.
there was a revival i saw on a video awhile back and i dont know the name of it but it brought a smile to my face because of the impact on the individuals and the community. it was an eskimo village that was strive with alcoholism, violence, murder, rape and child abuse and the whole town changed after God had visited in the way he did but because i don't know the name of this it has been hard for me to look it up any further.
be blessed All in christs love _________________ karl rashleigh
2014/10/22 19:31 | Profile |
Joined: 2009/12/13 Posts: 203 Northern Idaho
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2014/10/22 20:48 | Profile |
Joined: 2009/12/13 Posts: 203 Northern Idaho
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2014/10/22 20:59 | Profile |
crusader Member
Joined: 2006/2/22 Posts: 413 Australia:
| Re: | | Hi shmily
yes thats the one thankyou, hoepfully this will lead me to further information thankyou so much. _________________ karl rashleigh
2014/10/22 21:51 | Profile |
crusader Member
Joined: 2006/2/22 Posts: 413 Australia:
| Re: | | Hi All This will be my last reply on this post as I feel that somehow my discussion has taken away or directed away from my brothers post. I have some reading and videos to watch on Brownsville and ridge revival which I am looking forward too. I believe that the four heart conditions pointed out in the gospels are always present in the congregation. There are those that are blocked off to the word and it never penetrates their heart as Satan steals it, there are those that have doctrines that are not removed and as a result later in life in their walk these doctrines destroy the good word that is sown. There are those that have unforgiveness and when under trial they spiritually die and then there are those that no matter where they are the word of God enters their heart and a strong foundation begins and they are able to walk in the lord no matter the circumstances due to their heart being prepared correctly before the word comes. The first 3 hearts need to be ploughed and prepared for the word which is done through prayer, the conviction of sin through the move of the holy spirit. Only time can tell which heart was prepared correctly as it will show the true condition of the crop. I will take the liberty in saying that all farmers will agree that without the right method of farming it can be life threatening to the community when a crop fails. Which leads me to this point, that I have no doubt that genuine conversations are present in all of the revivals but also too that there are other hearts that do not have this experience and the amount of these types of hearts is the question that can only truly be seen at the end of the season. Ray comfort talked about conversions and the after effect which passionately led him to minister the way he does. Aw Tozer does a lot of sermons on the conditions of the heart as do many other preachers. I am definitely not coming against anyone’s beliefs in this post and respect each persons view and what God has done in your lives. Neither am I trying to persuade that one is better then the other. My intention has and is to chew the cud on the subject so that I may have a deeper understanding of what I hear, see and reason. The topic is a very strong topic in my community and I have seen too many people hurt from different conversation about it. _________________ karl rashleigh
2014/10/22 21:52 | Profile |
crusader Member
Joined: 2006/2/22 Posts: 413 Australia:
| Re: | | Hi tnk
I just wanted to ask to make sure i am seeing the right one. is the 1995 brownsville fathers day meeting with steve hall the revival that you mentioned are and are there any other specific vids about this that you have liked. I just didnt want to go off in the wrong direction. Cheers karl :) _________________ karl rashleigh
2014/10/23 8:18 | Profile |