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Joined: 2009/1/24
Posts: 453

 The Kentucky Revival

Here is a lost gem of revival history, by Richard McNemar, a first-hand observer of the Cain Ridge Revival of 1800.

If you have a Kindle you can get the ebook on Amazon for 99 cents.

The Cain Ridge Revival is best known for strange manifestations such as "the rolls," "the jerks," and "the barks," and has been dismissed by most (myself included) as a wild outburst of hillbilly religion. This book challenges that assumption. The author even argues, somewhat plausibly, that these manifestations were in fact legitimate works of the Spirit. (Even if his argument is accepted, however, it does not necessarily vindicate modern "revival" movements that feature these "manifestations." The Kentucky Revival, for all its eccentricities, did exhibit characteristics of true revival: solid Bible preaching, transformed lives, powerful testimonies, abhorrence of sin and holiness in daily living. As far as I know, the Pensacola and Brownstown and Bentley commotions evince none of these things.)

This book will probably be of interest only to students of revival history. It changed my perspective on the notorious Cain Ridge Revival: it shows how deeply even a genuine revival is colored by local cultural idiosyncracies.

Oddly enough, I was going to post this a few days ago, but decided not to, because the Kentucky Revival birthed the Restoration Movement, which is the basis for the modern Organic Church Movement, so I figured Frank and those guys would hijack the thread with a bunch of angry screeds against the clergy! Now that those guys are safely gone, it is safe to post it here.

Greg, thank you so much for showing those guys the door. And the way you confronted spiritual pride in a spirit of meekness exemplified what the Lord has been showing me about the way of the holiness:

"For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." Isaiah 57:15

Wayne Kraus

 2014/10/20 23:19Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: The Kentucky Revival

quote: "The Kentucky Revival, for all its eccentricities, did exhibit characteristics of true revival: solid Bible preaching, transformed lives, powerful testimonies, abhorrence of sin and holiness in daily living. As far as I know, the Pensacola and Brownstown and Bentley commotions evince none of these things.)"

I would agree with you regarding the Bentley/Lakeland FL mess.

However, I would probably strongly disagree regarding the Brownsville/Pensacola move of God. While no revival is perfect and there will always be some outliers, there was definitely solid preaching (I have listened to many many hours of this- some of which is on this site under Michael Brown); there were definitely transformed lives and holiness was definitely preached (Steve Hill being one of the main speakers) and there were definitely powerful testimonies. I have a CD compilation from the old Fire on The Altar Website called "Freedom" that is full of baptism testimonies given at this revival and some are indeed very powerful.

My point is that you can't lump Brownsville in with Bentley or Toronto. Not even close.


 2014/10/21 6:09Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185



Thanks for your post which I totally agree
with. It seems that there are some that
mistakenly lump all revivals in the same
category because of certain manifestations
that took place. This is nothing new
because it has been going on since the
Great Awakening, and Jonathan Edwards
adressed the mixture that is brought in by
the flesh and the devil in true revivals.

I have had firsthand experience with
being present at the Brownsville Revival,
having witnessed many souls saved, many
backsliders coming back to The Lord,
and the powerful anointed preaching
of Steve Hill, Michael Brown, and John



 2014/10/21 11:26Profile

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri

 Re: The Kentucky Revival

Wayne: There is another book that is public domain that you will be interested in. It is called Pioneer Life in the Old West. The author's name is Finley I believe. He was born again in connection with the revival and later became a Methodist circuit rider.


 2014/10/21 12:16Profile

Joined: 2009/1/24
Posts: 453


Thanks Travis. It was James Finley's testimony that first piqued my interest in Cane Ridge, but I haven't read his book yet.

Wayne Kraus

 2014/10/21 13:40Profile

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri


It is a public domain book. I actually have a copy that is over 150 years old. The Cain Ridge account is only a small part of the book, but the stories of the meetings and of the Methodist camp meetings that followed are pretty amazing. You can find it for free and will really enjoy it.


 2014/10/21 15:24Profile

Joined: 2009/1/24
Posts: 453


Here it is (thanks Lysa):

Wayne Kraus

 2014/10/21 18:53Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


Greeetings abideinhim

i was wondering what the title of the book was that Jonathon edwards talks about this. i find this interesting and havent been able to find many teachings about this. thankyou

karl rashleigh

 2014/10/21 22:20Profile

Joined: 2009/1/24
Posts: 453



"Treatise Concerning the Religious Affections."

Wayne Kraus

 2014/10/21 22:28Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


Hi Wayneman

Thankyou i will read this, i need to be cautious when talking on this subject as not to cause offense. but i will say that i witnessed both Godly and demonic manifestations (when i was early in my christian walk) in the same meeting and my concern was that everyone excpeted it all as from God. my mate started shaking in a meeting and we thought it was God but after a month the shaking would start late at night waking him up. over the months it got so bad that he wanted to commit suicide over it. after seeking help we found a pastor that God was using to help people effected by these manifestations and with prayer the shaking stopped. The manifestations wasn't so much my concern it was the lack of discernment my friends and fellow brethern had as it (as i did until the truth was revealed to me)seemed to start to except any teachings that had signs and wonders behind it wether it was strongly based on scripture or not.

I have seen cults have the very same manifestations as they are praying to another God as well. i think the real problem comes from the desire for people to see God working in a physical way rather then walking by faith thus allows satan to overcome reasoning by emotion which leads to being blinded to the truth and open for the lie.

At the end of the day the fruit will testify the truth of individual touches of God.

karl rashleigh

 2014/10/22 1:32Profile

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