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 Rejoice brethren!

Rejoice brethren!

i will not be leaving sermon index and will
continue to post insightful insights as led.

However in all seriousness does a disagreement about which camp is correct concerning denominations equate itself as a great doctrinal matter?
Should it divide genuine Christians?
Does this affect the eternal destination of your soul?

Are we missing the point here?

 2014/10/18 15:14

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Rejoice brethren!

It will be good to hear what other brethren have to share. Towards SermonIndex as a ministry we are ministering to the body of Christ no matter where they are and what denomination they are in or what name or group they are. We have speakers from all different denominations and groups that are focused on sharing Jesus Christ and a life of holiness in following Him.

I do agree that we can easily miss that point you are mentioning. All the posters are from 100's if not 1000's of different denominational backgrounds, churches they attend, groups they are apart of etc.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/10/18 19:34Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


Hi All

God has used sermon index in my life as a guide when i have been in some really dark areas. By many comments that i have read through the years there have been good ones and bad ones and i think that some people really under estimate the power of words and the spirit in which they bring to the forum.

I wouldnt say that all the forums on this site are a good place for support all the time as i have been very wounded from responses in the past when i was at the brink of suicide but the sermons and audios turned me around and many have had a powerful effect in helping me rebuild my life. The reason i listened to some of these teachings was because i bellieved and still believe that sermon index watch over the content with intent for solid teachings of truth rather then the wishy washy stuff that envades our lands today.

i have posted many things on this site and the positive part of this is that i am able to mediate on principles that have been instilled in my heart and wether they are of Christs or of the flesh. This has led me to wrestle with each principle until such time that the lie is evicted and the truth prevails.

My biggest mistake that i needed to learn from in the beggining of joining sermon index is that i expected everyone to have a similar christian response and attitude towards each other which left me open to unforseen attack. I understand now that their are alot of different beliefs, understandings and attitudes under the christian banner. God has used all of this to strengthene my spiritual growth. we may not all agree but with love comes respect and a willingness to grow in truth. we all have the same enemy trying to destroy us through his wiles and we all Have the same Awesome Holy God that wants us to know him through the light of his truth.

Thankyou sermon index for the work that you do, i could not lead this type of ministry and really apreciate what is offered. in Christs Love and Peace Karl

karl rashleigh

 2014/10/20 8:24Profile

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