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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Greg, Could you please tell us why you have asked Frank to leave Sermon Index? I believe that this thing can be worked out if handled in the right way.

We have had fellowship and have known frank for 7 years I believe. Over that time there have been disagreements as brothers can disagree but in the end after humbling ourselves we continued to have open fellowship. This is not a matter of that but of the SermonIndex forums themselves.

SermonIndex is not a personal pulpit or platform for any good brother to spearhead their mission or to say it worst at times agenda. Simply put brother was asked more then at one occasion not to post his blog writings on SermonIndex, we have asked many others also not to do this, also his blog was advertised at the footer of every of his posts, many brothers we have removed the links long before and tried to only allow links to blogs or sites that will edify.

In the end it is a privilege I believe for anyone of us to post on a website that has all of this godly content and speakers on it. We are adding our thoughts and sharing our views which is humbling considering we are posting along side Tozer's, Ravenhill's etc. Also the forums are read by a world-wide audience thus it is important for us to realize this, that we are representing the Lord Jesus Christ when we write, respond or disagree (in love, gentleness and maturity).

In the end brother frank continued in the vein of not really respecting the moderators when they tried to bring any balance to a thread and also did not stop posting threads that were even using words that I posted and continued to share in the vein of what frank posts about on his blog. It is sad to have to send a personal email a few times and lastly in the end because of the brother not wanting to work it out or respond but only respond publicly on the forums we had to remove his account.

I trust I am not slandering in anyway brother frank but sharing simply that this is a last case thing to remove a account, it is NOT dis-fellowshipping a brother, it is not claiming he is not a brother, it is simply a form of discipline (not even fully church discipline). I do not want to share any other details because it would not be honouring to the brother or honouring to Jesus Christ to say things publicly.

Perhaps there is simply a season for all things, I have enjoyed franks posts in the past and now he is very strong on what God is telling him to preach and SermonIndex simply is not the place for that.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/10/18 19:28Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


I'm sure I am clueless, but I am absolutely blown away by this...

 2014/10/18 19:44Profile

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


SI has established rules for the benefit and saftey of all of us. Let me give an example:

I have a Personal Conviction Similer to that of Bro Keith Daniels When it comes to the Translation issue.

Now SI has rules in place that says I am not allowed to only post on that issue because than it would be considered an agenda or a platform.
Every once in a while that issue will come up and I am righly allowed to defend my perspective even though it is not widly excepted on SI.

Now Those rules protect me, Because it is real easy to get swept away on that type of an issue, believing all along that I am defending the truth, the message that God wants me to proclaim.
And many many do, Most of the books that I have on the issue are an embarrassment. because they took a rightful conviction and turned it into an obsession.

These rules protect us from being overtaken by obsessions.

 2014/10/18 19:45Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


This is what Frank wrote on his blog today publically I think it summarizes what he really feels:

Hi sister. Thank you for your comment and I wanted you to know that you and a couple of others have been the only reason that I have continued to interact with Sermon Index which has long since lost the place. I think if you were to check out the devotional section you would see a barren wasteland of no replies. It is akin t a church with no prayer meeting. It is very sad to see it go in such a way but this is what comes when men are determined to be in control and God does not have the place. I will certainly keep in touch sister, we are kindred spirits because we have been baptized into the one Spirit with one heart that beats in love with Jesus our Lord who is preeminent in our lives. I have met so many saints over the years where there is an instant fellowship and love and friendship and loyalty. Now, with the religious man, there is none of that, quite the opposite. As Tozer said ” The once born man is always the deadliest enemy of the twice born man.” …………bro Frank

We are going to lock the thread as per the suggestion of brother Mark. I would encourage saints to please pray for the ministry of SermonIndex, the moderators and for all the people that interact on the forums. We have so many precious saints who are on the forums and to see division amongst radical believers is very sad, there is so much wrong in christianity and to start to divide amongst ourselves of who is really "in" is quite sad. May the Lord allow us to show love to each other and be willing to yield and humble ourselves to others and not think we need to be right.

this thread is locked.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/10/18 20:09Profile

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