Poster | Thread | Oracio Member
Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: | | Quote:
I guess my whole point is that if the church came down as hard as plain old fornication as it does with the homosexual variety, homosexuals are more likely to take our warnings seriously.
I believe that's a valid point worthy of serious consideration. _________________ Oracio
| 2014/10/14 18:44 | Profile | MrBillPro Member
Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 3422 Texas
| Re: | | Better question might be, since the US of A is passing laws were homosexuals can marry, is it still fornication? We do have to obey mans laws, right? Homosexual fornication "if they marry" will probably be a thing of the past, if we are to live by and obey mans laws. _________________ Bill
| 2014/10/14 19:50 | Profile | hulsey Moderator
Joined: 2006/7/5 Posts: 653 Missouri
| Re: | | I think there's two ways to look at it.
Individually sin is sin, whether it manifests it's self in lying, stealing, cheating on your spouse, or homosexual relations. The root problem is the same for everyone. It leads to the same hell, but also has the same cure.
In a society however, certain sins begin to appear with greater acceptance as that society nears its end. Two of those would be abortion or infanticide and homosexuality. _________________ Jeremy Hulsey
| 2014/10/14 20:05 | Profile | ginnyrose Member
Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | People are getting used to the dark (Quote: Vance Havner) which is why some sins no longer shock people as they used to.
I was pretty old - at least a teen before I ever heard the word homosexual, lesbian or knew what it even meant. If a couple fornicated it was whispered about not celebrated. If a girl had a baby out of wedlock she was whisked off to an unwed mothers home and the child put up for adoption - today they will celebrate its birth and have baby showers for the mom and baby. Pictures of half-naked women was considered porn - today they appear on advertisements, shows and it is OK.
And we sigh. And I wonder how much worse can people get. Then I read of men who will molest a small girl and I get angry - I would like to wring that guys's neck! Reckon Jesus was more merciful - He would tie a millstone around his neck and throw him into the water...
Lord, have mercy!
PS: In case you wonder, I was born in 1947 and have accumulated a lot of memories. _________________ Sandra Miller
| 2014/10/14 21:41 | Profile | Sidewalk Member
Joined: 2011/11/11 Posts: 719 San Diego
| Re: Sins and worse sins | | The whole reason sin is sin and condemned by the law of a loving God is that the consequences are deadly after being first hurtful.
Some sins are quiet and sneaky, easily hidden, easily rationalized into an old mental file cabinet. But these sins have consequences, shutting the sinner off from the blessings of humility, hearing God, understanding mysteries, communing with the Author and Lover of their soul.
They may have a bright smile, be able to quote scripture, pray in a public meeting... but have a dark secret vacuum inside. I have been one of those.
I have a good friend who is a devoted Christian with an effective ministry and a wide open love for God and His people. But in his younger years he was a horrible person with way too much experience in every type of open sin. The details are too awful to even mention here.
The result is that despite the wonderful forgiveness he enjoys, he bears the physical and mental scars of the things he did. They are permanent scars and he would be the first to tell any man or woman that sin is devastating, set against your life, your happiness, your peace, and your power. What you give to Satan is very difficult to reclaim. Many try and fail.
So how does this relate to the discussion? Very simple, the sins people commit will be extremely difficult to undo. Sometimes it is possible to contract an incurable disease, sometimes a man will shy away from preaching a hard line on fornication because his former conquests are close by and he fears the embarrassment. Sometimes a man has a child by a woman not his wife- "It was just once, we got carried away!" And now a lifetime of guilt and regret greets his mind every morning.
Sexual sins involve other people, and people sin together setting the fires of hell on a two for one! All the more when fueled by lust turning to resentment, rage and revenge. Little sins beget bigger sins, and big sins put people to death.
Some fornication results in a pregnancy and the parents are able to successfully marry and love the child properly. Forgiveness can come easily, a traditional responsible marriage partnership can follow. But rarely do things line up like that. The further from nature one strays, the more destructive will the dalliance be. Not many homosexuals leave their lifestyle and pursue a holy wedded life with a woman.
Sins can be washed away by the Blood of the Savior, but sins' consequences can haunt a man or woman to the last breath. _________________ Tom Cameron
| 2014/10/15 1:17 | Profile | Sree Member
Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: | | Quote:
Individually sin is sin, whether it manifests it's self in lying, stealing, cheating on your spouse, or homosexual relations. The root problem is the same for everyone. It leads to the same hell, but also has the same cure.
In a society however, certain sins begin to appear with greater acceptance as that society nears its end. Two of those would be abortion or infanticide and homosexuality.
Yes that is the correct view of looking at it. Homosexuality is a sin in society that will bring God's judgement soon eg Sodom.
If a preacher or Church does not talk about individual sin then it has no right to talk about sin in this society. _________________ Sreeram
| 2014/10/15 4:53 | Profile | Sidewalk Member
Joined: 2011/11/11 Posts: 719 San Diego
| Re: Houston | | Well, here we go! The mayor of Houston is demanding the local pastors to turn over all their sermons, notes, and private correspondence that realates to preaching against homosexuality.
The city passed an ordinance. Welcome to communist East Germany. _________________ Tom Cameron
| 2014/10/15 11:07 | Profile | Oracio Member
Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: | | Quote:
Well, here we go! The mayor of Houston is demanding the local pastors to turn over all their sermons, notes, and private correspondence that realates to preaching against homosexuality.
The city passed an ordinance. Welcome to communist East Germany.
Just read this article and thought it was worth sharing here:
In retrospect, I think one reason why many Christians don't say as much about heterosexual fornication is because it is not paraded on our streets like homosexuality is. Not saying that's an excuse but just making an observation.
The thought came to mind, imagine if more Christians would suddenly begin to rise up and take to the streets with their own kind of gospel-parades, proclaiming the gospel and preaching against all sin, including heterosexual fornication and homosexuality. I'm reminded of the Salvation Army because that's what they did in their beginnings in the 19th century and into the early 20th century. They had revival, though they were also severely persecuted at times. _________________ Oracio
| 2014/10/15 12:38 | Profile | ginnyrose Member
Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | I read that, too...
I also keep wondering if what I post on SI, or on FB will be used by some gov agency to convict me of being a radical, a terrorist because I believe in eternal punishment, in right and wrong and being verbal about it, or for simply being a Biblical Christian. I suspect it will - that it is not a question of if but when.
God bless all who will not allow the devil's henchmen to distract you from proclaiming the whole Counsel of Jesus Christ. _________________ Sandra Miller
| 2014/10/15 12:39 | Profile | drifter Member
Joined: 2005/6/6 Posts: 1025 Campbell River, B.C.
| Re: | | ginnyrose wrote: "I also keep wondering if what I post on SI, or on FB will be used by some gov agency to convict me of being a radical, a terrorist because I believe in eternal punishment, in right and wrong and being verbal about it, or for simply being a Biblical Christian. I suspect it will - that it is not a question of if but when."
Count on it. Ever heard of Fusion Centers? The government is busy gathering every piece of data they can about every citizen they can. The NSA and other alphabet agencies do wholesale spying on everybody. Having a label like "religious fundamentalist" puts you on the top of the list. Especially if you commit "hate crimes", like telling people their lifestyles are sinful (i.e. homosexuality). _________________ Nigel Holland
| 2014/10/15 16:06 | Profile |