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Joined: 2008/5/17
Posts: 173
Valdosta, Ga

 prayer needed

My wife was diagnosed with asthma a few years ago. She had a severe attack today. The language the doctor used to describe what happened to her today was frightening. I know that God is able to curse this affliction at its root. She is stable, but is being kept overnight for observations. Please help me pray for her complete healing. Thanks!


 2014/10/8 17:23Profile

 Re: prayer needed

will do brother

 2014/10/8 22:50

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413

 Re: prayer needed

Hi docseth1

I just want to share something that God has done with my wife and I over the last 3 months which has changed our lives even more.

my wife has a severe mental illness, was unable to have a baby and we are being dragged through court as well as lost all financial wealth. in complete dispair we prayed together and a word came from a friend who i would call a "father of the faith" to do the following.

Stand before the Father in heaven and declare before all the heavenly realm that you can boldy stand in his presence because of the covanant formed between Jesus Christ and yourself. ask the father to hear what you say and lay all of your burdens at his feet. acknowledge any doubt and unbielf that you may have and ask for him to help you believe. then thank the father before all the heavenly realm (who are watching) and know that the father has heard you because you are his child.

I had never prayed like this before and i can tell you that day, money was released for us financially, my wife became pregnant and we are 12 weeks now. the amazing thing was that she forgot to take her medication for over two weeks and when she had relaised this she was already weined of them. she has never done this before as she has taken them everyday for the past 18 years.

The biggest miracle of all was that God heard me and since then i have this faith and security that i never had before.

I hope this helps as i had to post it because of the amazing Father that we serve that blesses us not because we deserve it but because it pleasures his heart to bless his children. Oh and the court case has gone in our favor as well.

karl rashleigh

 2014/10/9 7:52Profile

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