Good Folk,I have appreciated SI for several years, and there are a lot of great members - per their writings. I check in often without logging in.I'm a pentecostal, and have been operating in gifts for some 30 odd years. I have a pretty good track record with discernment and a few others.Two months ago I felt a "shift," if you will, in the space around me. Immediately after, I felt an entrance of terrible danger - everywhere. I was confused, as usually this type of discernment would pertain to a person, small group or current situation. I prayed continually for a few weeks, and couldn't shake what I knew had happened, and shared it with my Pastor. All I could sense was a high level of danger around me, even in the most "normal" looking people and activities. I'm not paranoid or mentally unbalanced, and my Pastor called a couple of weeks later asking me to repeat what happened, and confirmed it was the real thing.We are in extreme danger, I'm not sure of how it will affect those that are true Christians, but one thought came to me: In the very near future, church buildings will become a "kitschy" space for businesses or homes. But the point is this: We must not hold on to our traditions, doctrines, or the "norm." Now is the time for all of us to become so adept at hearing from the Lord so we can recognize God's will and direction for our lives. Life will be so different for those of us willing to lose it, now and exponentially in just a few short years. I remember how impressed I was when several years ago SI was promoting home churches, as that is only one of the many ways saints will be able to exist, but for how long?I apologize for the length of this, and encourage you to draw closer to the Lord, and pray to see if this is true.Thanks and God Bless.
Your sense of upcoming change and especially of the importance of hearing God for one's self resonate with me.Art Katz wrote something that your post reminded me of:Prophetic anticipations for the last days - Art Katz
I apologize for the length of this
As Abraham pleaded with God for Sodom, we know that for the sake of a small handful of faithful servants God would spare the city. How outrageous that even these could not be found!Believers' frustration is found in many of the threads posted on SI, which is part of our passion for revival and repentance. As we look back at the historical record of how and when revivals came, we seem to see the same runaway sin but not the same fervent prayer. The danger may be much less the abundance of sin and much more the apathy of those God depends on to pray in the power. "The eyes of the Lord range to and fro about the whole earth, seeking someone in whom to show Himself strong!" (From 2 Chron 16:9)
_________________Tom Cameron
We are in extreme danger, I'm not sure of how it will affect those that are true Christians, but one thought came to me: In the very near future, church buildings will become a "kitschy" space for businesses or homes. But the point is this: We must not hold on to our traditions, doctrines, or the "norm." Now is the time for all of us to become so adept at hearing from the Lord so we can recognize God's will and direction for our lives. Life will be so different for those of us willing to lose it, now and exponentially in just a few short years. I remember how impressed I was when several years ago SI was promoting home churches, as that is only one of the many ways saints will be able to exist, but for how long?
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon