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 Re: The Jesus Movement

The last credible move of God in this nation`s history was the Jesus Movement. A movement that occurred outside of denominational churches. Indeed the Jesus Movement was disdained by the organised denominational structures. Yet the Spirit moved and small spontaneous fellowships started that nurtured New believers. Tragically it was organised Christendom used by Satan that killed this movement.

The next movement of God will be outside of the denominational structure. In the eyes of God denominations are irrellevant. What matters is Christ dwelling in the heart of the individual.


 2014/10/5 21:36

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


And the line continues to be drawn between those who support both traditional church settings and other more non-tradional settings, and those who are purely anti-tradional church. So the rage continues over a non-essential issue of church structure. Guess it's to be expected unfortunately.


 2014/10/5 22:33Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


Thats very misleading blain ,because the revival it self was experienced with in denominations , like calvary chapel and the vineyard ,the movement really played a major roll in forming denominations lake calvary chapel ,

And the next big move of god will be the same it will be felt with in the walls of some denominations as history shows in the past.

 2014/10/5 23:45Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


I got to thinking, could it be that it strikes at a nerve with some believers when certain comments are made about the need to try to find regular fellowship and accountability (besides online or by phone). I'm sure there could be many believers that are out of fellowship for the wrong reasons and they keep trying to justify their defiance as a valid excuse. Makes one wonder how many saints there could be on this forum who are in that type of situation.


 2014/10/5 23:58Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


A bit contrast to that brother ,iv never been a member of any church ,and went to church maybe 20 times in my life split up between oneness Pentecostal and open brethern ,once to a prosperity Pentecostal church ,and once to a presbyterian , my conviction in my spirit is not to forsake denominations and set up a weak house fellowship group but to fellowship within either a brethern group ,or the one i am trying next week a charismatic church with Evangelical roots ,im feeling very positive about the charismatic hope church ,because iv listened to a few sermons and they were above average ,and the paster there seems to be burdened for revival he broke down in tears wile reading about early revivals in Australia ..

But i would be in a position to be justifying not doing church due to my bad experience and differing beliefs ,and due to the fact i was regenerated in a house with out ever being in a church or hearing a sermon and being baptized in the spirit in a house and not going to a church for about the first ten years of my new life , but it is not like that god clearly wants me to be with one of these groups ,i cant shake that burden and guilt , i struggled with the open brethern only due to my belief in toungs and prophecy and laying on hands for healing ,,i also want to be free to practice those things ,but i feel i cant amoungts the open brethren ....

 2014/10/6 1:04Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


I hear ya brothagary, yes, your heart and attitude in this regard is a big contrast and refreshing to see. Hang in there brother, keep asking seeking n knocking. Will be praying.


 2014/10/6 6:44Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


thanks ,prayers are very welcome here brother

 2014/10/6 6:57Profile


And brethren that is precisely the problem. Men see the glory if God and they want to build a structure to contain it. Alla denominations.

Christ does not reside in denominations but humble hearts yielded to Him.

Jesus is coming back for a bride composed of people not buildings.

Jesus defined a church as two or three gathered together in Him. Not a church religious structure.

My prayer is for a remnant to emerge who gather around the simplicity of Christ and His Word. This remnant will be a new wine skin who gather in the simplicity and purity devotion to Christ. This remnant will meet in Hones, restaurants, dorm rooms, etc. When persecuted this remnant will meet in the woods, caves, and holes in the grounds.

But this remnant will have the life of Christ. People will be drawn to it. Because of this the established denominational structure will persecute it. Something I see in this forum.


 2014/10/6 8:16

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


RE: ///Christ does not reside in denominations but humble hearts yielded to Him.///

Everyone is in agreement about this. The issue at hand is not a defence of the conventional church structure nor a defence of denominational systems.

The issue at hand, is God still at work with certain individuals and fellowships that resemble the conventional church structure ? And I believe the answer is yes!
The beauty of sermon index is that Greg and others have searched across denominational lines picking preachers and sermons of those whom trully Love the Lord.
Sermon index has pentecostal preachers such as Hans Waldvogel, Anabaptist such as Denny Kenaston, Calvinist Baptist such as Spurgeon and Paul Washer, Southern Baptist such as David Platt, and so on and so on. May we also accept those whom trully Love the Lord.

 2014/10/6 11:06Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Everyone is in agreement about this. The issue at hand is not a defence of the conventional church structure nor a defence of denominational systems.

The issue at hand, is God still at work with certain individuals and fellowships that resemble the conventional church structure ? And I believe the answer is yes!
The beauty of sermon index is that Greg and others have searched across denominational lines picking preachers and sermons of those whom trully Love the Lord.
Sermon index has pentecostal preachers such as Hans Waldvogel, Anabaptist such as Denny Kenaston, Calvinist Baptist such as Spurgeon and Paul Washer, Southern Baptist such as David Platt, and so on and so on. May we also accept those whom trully Love the Lord.

Excellent post brother, this is probably a reasonable middle ground to end this thread. There were some differences of opinion yet to divide and hurt other true brethren over these things as another brother stated is not worth it. All movements of God throughout history were not wrong, may God bring humility to all of us in our thinking and especially shown us the great need to be practically involved with other brethren in local assemblies.

this thread is now locked.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/10/6 13:47Profile

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