Hey, I don't know how many of you remember this testimony. But this brother really got nailed by Catholics and Liberals alike. Liberal Christianity Today tried to blast him. Because they couldn't attack his message without looking foolish, they attacked the messenger. None of the accusations were documented and there is no way to know how to substantiate the attacks upon brother Rivera. But since the magazine was reputable with many, that was all it took.The man who wrote the CT article about Rivera was GIVEN a publishing company by the Vatican as a reward for his work in "damage control." This man's testimony will sound amazingly close to what is happening in the world today.Enjoy. Here's the link: [url=http://www.chick.com/reading/comics/0112/0112_fourpages.asp?pg=01]http://www.chick.com/reading/comics/0112/0112_fourpages.asp?pg=01[/url]
Interesting read. I am a "sceptical" person by nature concerning "dark motives and workings", however, in these dark days, the days I believe are leading up to the soon return of Christ, nothing would surprise me. I do believe the enemy is at work on MANY fronts: lulling many into compromise of various biblical truths, including salvational issues----much of it stemming from the belief we must be more "loving" and accepting. That is exactly why our "protestantism" has been watered down. Time and relationships, it seems, have quite a profound effect on our own responses toward ungodly beliefs and practices. Those teachings which were once deemed biblically based in year's past, now are considered "radical" messages. RC doctrine hasn't changed, protestantism's response to it has, unfortunately.The thing that causes me to believe that this story very well could be truth is: The evidence of WIDE SCALE, unbelieveable attacks on TRUE believers can be seen openly through past historical persecutions (by those who profess to know God). Most likely many years of hidden, sinister actions eventually brought about the open,horrific murders of millions of God's children. I'm sure in the past there were many "naysayers" about the sinister intentions of those who professed Christ then. One thing I do know is that the Lord tells us that persecutions will increase until He returns----many of these persecutions coming from people who believe they are doing the "will of God".........In these days, we need to walk by the Word of God and listen to the Spirit of God as He gives us discernment. As the Lord admonishes us many times-----"WATCH", and in that watching, test all things by the Word of God. Blessings, Cindy