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Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 1025
Campbell River, B.C.


Yeah, I guess it's better to struggle on fruitlessly in the modern antinomian religion that is so prevalent today. Finney brought people to Christ, whereas people like Billy Graham produce a huge amount (something like 80%) of backsliders. Antinomianism is totally antichristian. You cannot throw away the law. "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul." Psalm 19:7. This is as true today as it was when King David wrote it. People do not get saved a different way in the New Testament era as the did in the Old Testament era. I am not saying that you can be saved by keeping the Ten Commandments, but the Law is a mirror to show you yourself, and what you need to do to get right with God. For example, if you have stolen from someone when you were unsaved, you must go and repay them if you want to continue with God. If you don't, He will withdraw His presence. If someone says "all you need to do is believe" that is another gospel, another spirit. Read James. Even the devils believe, and they are not saved.

Nigel Holland

 2014/10/17 14:23Profile

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 1025
Campbell River, B.C.


P.S. Ravenhill, Tozer, and practically every other preacher on this website preaches "old testament religion".

Nigel Holland

 2014/10/17 14:26Profile

Joined: 2010/4/7
Posts: 71


P.S. Ravenhill, Tozer, and practically every other preacher on this website preaches "old testament religion".

I would agree with that statement.

People do not get saved a different way in the New Testament era as the did in the Old Testament era.

Oh really?! What is your definition of saved then? Why did Christ come if you could be saved in the same way before He came to earth?


 2014/10/17 23:46Profile

Joined: 2011/6/15
Posts: 562


On antinomianism v.s. legalism:

"Antinomianism and Legalism are not opposites of one another; they are both opposites of the grace of God in the gospel." (Sinclair Ferguson)

Romans offers an excellent exposition on the gospel, and answers these issues comprehensively.

Check this out - an American missionary's testimony on how the truth of the gospel set him free from lust and pornogrpahy (he provides a great exposition on Romans too):

Part 1:

Part 2:

(edit: testimony belongs to Dustin Horstmann)

 2014/10/18 0:49Profile

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 1025
Campbell River, B.C.


I humbly apologize for offending you in any way, amranger. My statements can seem a bit strong at times, and I can be a bit brash. Let's both remember that this post was started by someone who asked for help. I am just trying to help. The way I am trying to do that is showing bible4life that sometimes (not always) we can't get through to God because of unrepented sin. Finney's article just tells people how to do that.

My definition of salvation is a right relationship with God. In the Old Testament redeemed people looked forward to Christ's sacrifice, in New Testament times, we look back. It is always by faith. The blood of bulls and goats could never take away sin. If we could be brought into a right relationship with God by Old Testament sacrifices, Jesus would not have had to come to earth.

God Bless, -Nigel

Nigel Holland

 2014/10/18 18:26Profile


Hey guys i am in need in prayer it seems like things are getting real bad in my life again with oppression and i am not that strong right now. Your prayers deeply appreciated

 2014/11/3 17:28

Joined: 2011/6/15
Posts: 562


Hey guys i am in need in prayer it seems like things are getting real bad in my life again with oppression and i am not that strong right now. Your prayers deeply appreciated

What kind of oppression are you fighting against?

How have you been renewing your mind?

 2014/11/4 5:25Profile

Joined: 2010/12/7
Posts: 1527
In Christ


We have prayed for you today, and are praying...

SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon

 2014/11/4 11:22Profile


The oppression i am dealing has been slowly kind of getting worse and worse over the past few months. A couple months ago I had this great fear or suicidal type spirit oppressing me and i asked for prayer here. Then I noticed i started having the same oppression from two years ago when i felt like i was having evil spirits like i can feel come into my flesh or affecting my body again, i can actually feel something come into my flesh and if i fall into sin its seems it gets worse. I have been looking to see what is the issue with me and what i am doing wrong in my life. One of things i have noticed is that i have lost a lot of love in my heart towards others. Also when i first started my job two years ago i was very Christ minded and i was witnessing to others a lot and avoiding sin at all costs, but over the past few months especially i have become i believe very prideful at my job and been at times two serious about it and it has effected my devotional time with the Lord and just keeping me from being the person i want to be n Christ, but at the same time i will be honest i have examined myself so much the past three years on a daily basis and even during this time I really have been so weak spiritually to even overcome these sins of mine, its as if it was going to happen no matter what. Because i have aimlessly tried overcoming my sins the past few years to seem to fall right back into them.

 2014/11/5 11:56


Their is one thing i have fully realized during this time is that I think that i am not truly repenting. I am trying stop sinning so i don't experience such torment in my life anymore. Don't get me wrong I don't want to give into these sins, but i feel i don't real repentance, sometimes i feel like i am stopping just out of fear of falling again.But my heart desires to honor the Lord still, but i need to be restored in my heart. But, i really don't know what is wrong with me for sure. I know i struggle with many inner sins bad thoughts, anger,pride, judgmentalnist and they are worse then they have ever been in my eleven years of my christian profession.

 2014/11/5 12:02

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