August, 2014
I Samuel 3:13, "For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not."
I Samuel 11:5, "What aileth the people that the weep?"
I Peter 5:8, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (destroy)."
There is an evil that has gone out throughout the land that is ravaging near and far; west to east; north to south; metro to rural areas; and will affect every family eventually, if it hasn't already. This evil is the evil of murder-suicides. We have seen them in the work place; in schools, our military bases, and among families, sometimes whole families of children and adults.
I would like to share with you 4 points in dealing with this evil, while there is still time. 'Work while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work.'
1. Where is this happening? 2 What is happening? 3. Why is this happening? 4. What are we to do?
I. Where is this happening? The easiest answer to where these murder-suicides are happening is, everywhere. Over the last several years, these murder-suicides have continued across the nation. Almost every state has felt its effects and left whole families and communities in disarray and shock. Let us mention a few of these places that have had more impact on our nation. One, is the schools. Although we have seen more school shootings where the shooter does not commit suicide, we have seen it in these places, and it is some of the most shocking to our nation. Secondly, military bases have happened several times this past year. Again it has led the nation to ponder 'what is going on?' Thirdly, home life is the leading cause of murder-suicides. Where there is whole families, which is the most tragic. There are the domestic situations that cause many of these between divorced spouses. Sadly it is the children and the innocent in-laws that are also impacted and sometimes slain in this evil being done. Lastly, another place of interest that may definitely be on the increase is the work place.
The numbers over the last 4 years has run an average of 800 for the years of 2009 - 2012. but decreasing to 755 for 2012 and down to 691 for 2013. But this year is on pace to return to the 800 count.
Age is covered from 20's to 80's. There are some in older age that apparently have murder-suicide pacts due to health issues. But most of the domestic issues are 30's to 50's.
II. What is happening?
'We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.' 'Out of the heart proceed. . . (these evils)'. We are seeing the restraints of God to keep us, our nation, society and families from evil being removed, due directly to our allowance of evil. And Satan has not wasted any time but in coming into the minds and hearts of many to destroy them and others.
Paul wrote and admonished us, 'that we are not ignorant of his devices'; but deed honest, our spiritual leadership continues to try to combat this evil and its influences with humanistic and non-spiritual ability. We must see what is happening in the minds, lives and homes and that this evil is from hell itself.
So often in my prayers I combat Satan on his intrusions into the heart and minds of these being persuaded, influenced, led, and directed by his temptations, his 'devices'. We have reports that many that committed such evil actions in days gone by, have heard voices in their heads. I call these the 'whispers of Satan'. This is nothing new to us, for we know that Christ talked with the demon: 'What is thy name?' And the demon replied, 'Legion, for we are many.'
III. Why is this happening?
There are two possible scenarios to why this happening in our time, and on our watch: 1. evil is abounding and multiplying; There is ability, access, and opportunity to do all these evil things in ways that was not convenient decades ago. Weapons, internet, and money have contributed to increase in the access to implement this wave of evil. The thrill of copy cat crimes seems to run in bunches as the news reports and 'sensationalized' stories grap the headlines. Many who have felt robbed, cheated, bullied, belittled see the opportunity to act on their frustration and they justify their actions of revenge, hate and malice. This is a growing mentality of our society. You can see the evil roots of pride, folly, self and sin going deep into the structure, foundation and way of our society. Where evil is present and found, our call to battle this evil is right before us. We cannot allow evil to gain and grow.
2. the power of the church is not where it should be to combat this rise in evil; The weakness of the church allows for evil to grow and find in-roads to the lives and paths of people, families and our society. AS we have departed from the good and right way in our worship, Bible studying and prayer times, our ease has allowed for Satan to move right in. We replace spiritual disciple with worldly entertainment, pursuits and practices that has compromised the holiness of the church. We have grieved the Holy Ghost away from us and this allows for evil and hell to advance.
IV. What are we to do?
I simply do not hear much about this evil sweeping across our nation. Now it is very real and pressing when it lands in our own backyard and happens to people that we know. The horror of watching a school shooting or work related shooting is alarming to most, but then quickly fades when it is not directly concerning us or involving us. And our attitude is to be focused that eventually it may very well be near and upon us. Here are a few things to consider in response:
1. Let the reality of this information be set in front of us to consider just what is going on and how it is multiplying before us. Seeing and knowing the reality of this great evil in front of us should out of sheer compassion and desire compel us to respond rightly before the Lord with much intercession. 2. Once many are made aware of this evil, then they will know specifically what to pray for before the Lord. Prayer is our great weapon to combat this evil. Satan brings his path of destruction into the hearts, minds and souls of many and our prayers are able to counter and stop him in his plans. Prayer avails, no prayers fail. As previously mentioned on the stats of this murder-suicide you will see that the last two years has shown a decrease in the numbers. It was two years ago that the Spirit burdened me with this evil and I began to wrestle against it in prayer time. In my prayer groups, churches and other writings I have shared and petitioned others to join me in this prayer. The promise of Christ, 'if two of you shall agree as touching anything here on earth, it shall be done for you in heaven.' The Lord is answering these prayers with the drop in numbers, but there is still much more that needs to be prayed over and through.
FAILURE TO RESPOND As is so often the case, we only are moved and respond in the heat of the moment. I would ask of you to consider that we cannot fail to respond. We must prevail in prayer now. Every moment of time that is not combating this evil is only a victory and advancement for our enemy. And to acknowledge this evil and not do anything sustaining about it will only lead to the next tragedy in our nation. If we fail to respond now it will come to your city, to your school, to your work place, to your military base, to our churches. . . .and dare I say it. . . to our homes. And when it happens this week, this month, may the Holy Ghost remind you that you were prompted to respond through this letter and we could have detoured evil. Let us not learn in sorrow, for there has been enough already. But let us learn by giving heed to the leading of His Holy Spirit. _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon