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Joined: 2004/1/28
Posts: 360

 Dead, before born... A true story.

Tomorrow will be 6 years that we buried our son Isaiah Christopher who was a stillborn death at 38 weeks in the womb. Why am I sharing this with the Sermon Index Forum Community?

For six years I had always wondered why our son had to die and for what purpose. No life is created without a reason and I didn't want his name to be forgotten. I had cried out to the Lord for an answer and this year God answered my prayers. God was trying to show me something in the natural that happens in the spiritual to many 'Christians'.

For about 20 years I have been a false convert, living in sin wearing the name of a Christian, a follower of Christ, living in sin, unrepentant and not caring for the lost going to hell.

I now realized that while I was being birthed by God to be saved and born again 20 years ago, I was a stillborn DEAD christian for almost 20 years and thought I looked alive in Christ, I was truly dead.

As Keith Green said, "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, no different than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger", or something like that.

God through the Holy Spirit and many others through SI minitry has drawn me back to Himself through revealing me these truths. Things have changed. My eyes have been opened. The Lost are going to hell. I need to live in obedience to God as his servant and not a hireling. It has been only through the Law of God that He has stripped me of my self-rightetousness and pride to bring me to this place of complete dependance on Him.

Do you know if you are "born again?" Have you examined your faith to know if you are truly saved? Don't wait. You may not have a chance. I think back to how long it has taken and I could have died in my sins in the past 20 years, but this past week God has been doing a mighty work in me and I am ready be God's humble servant. Please pray for me. I will pray for you.

I would be more than willing to talk to anyone who would like to hear my testimony and may be questioning their faith and salvation. I have to tell others about this truth and reality.

my email address is: [email][email protected][/email]

In Christ,
[email][email protected][/email]

a Jesus freak

 2005/4/22 10:41Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632

 Re: Dead, before born... A true story.

Wow, Doug, thank you for sharing this. I know it probably is not easy.

I am rejoicing with you on your new "open" eyes. :)

I pray that the Lord will keep revealing Himself to you anew everyday. I think we all need that, no matter where we are on our journey.

Praise God for the work He is doing in you!

In His love, Chanin


 2005/4/22 11:27Profile

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