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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : PW Call Tonight. 8/9/14

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 PW Call Tonight. 8/9/14

Brethren as our brother Mark gets his prayer call online. And I am rejoicing over this. I invite any who are led to please come and pray with us tonight.

Persecution Watch will convene tonight and we are lifting Iraq up in prayer.

Our call convenes at 8pm Central time tonight. Those in other time zones will need to adjust there call in times.

Our number is 218.548.8367. The pass code is 261475#.

I Praise God there will two prayer calls to chose to pray for the persecuted. As one sister told me there is more than enough suffering to go around. And I might add not enough prayer. Bless God Mark has heard the Spurit`s call to start his group to call out for the persecuted.

Blaine Scogin
Persecution Watch

 2014/8/9 12:08

 Re: PW Call Tonight. 8/9/14

Brethren if you are ked by the Spirit please come and lift your prayers for the believers in Iraq.

Our call will convene in an hour and a half. Call info is below.


 2014/8/9 19:21


Dear Saints,

Brother Andrew has said that prayer not preparation for the battle. Prayer is the battle.

Any who feel a burden for Iraq are invited to come and lift your prayers with us tonight. Call will convene in 10 minutes.

Call number is 218.548.8367. Pass code is 261475#.


 2014/8/9 20:50

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