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Joined: 2004/10/29
Posts: 335
The Netherlands


Sorry, I wasnt making fun of your handle on English! Forgive me.

doesn't matter bro :-) i make here and there some grammar mistakez :-P

but yeah i do remember one article about the pope, about the "mother church" and the great whore, but i didn't dig it out more, i'll sure do it, looks interesting, but also terrifying.

the verse of Galtians 1:6-8 came across my mind
"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."

and too be honest, the whole story of Jesus upon the Cross with Maria as Holy Virgin (she was special) by men as mother in heaven exalted, co-redemption (don't know how you call it..) sounds not like the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who died alone a dead, seperated from God, rejected by men, friends left Him alone. The pain the suffering the price He only could pay, was payed alone.

but i dig into it, do you mind if i pm you on this subjects later on? (when i have questions)

but let we stay focussed on Christ, that we may become an example (1 Tim 4:12)


 2005/4/19 14:58Profile


how much money are they providing to poor Countries for support?

This may sound strange coming from me... but they do a lot of humanitarian work around the world. Mother Theresa did a lot of good.

But good works will not save you. I've studied Mother Theresa's personal beliefs, and her beliefs were hideous... even for a Catholic. But it's amazing to me that if you point out that by the confession of her own mouth she was unsaved you will be verbally attacked by many who call themselves Bible believing Christians.

Emotions dictate doctrine for a lot of Christians these days.


 2005/4/19 15:01


the real question is do you pray that men may be snatched from the deception of the catholic church rather than merely come against it? it is a dangerous thing to merely come against with no hopes of seeing a people turn away. catholicism is a heresy in and of itself but God can snatch a man from ANYTHING.

Every single day, Mattie. I have close friends that are caught up in it. I come against it because a warning needs to be issued about false religious systems in this late hour. It's amazing how even on this site I get PM's and responses from people who have no problem with the Catholic Church... it's just another denomination. I think that can be attributed to ignorance... and thats why I'm bent on educating whenever possible.


 2005/4/19 15:03


but i dig into it, do you mind if i pm you on this subjects later on? (when i have questions)

No problem... please do PM me.


 2005/4/19 15:04

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


Is this true?

During the Dark Ages the Catholic Church slaughtered over 150 million Christians, and this atrocity is never mentioned today! The world has almost completely forgotten the many millions of people who were burned at the stake by the papacy because they wanted to worship God according to the Bible.

The slaughter in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, and Croatia is a direct result of the Vatican’s involvement in this area, but you will never hear about it because the Jesuit-controlled news media not only refuse to mention it but they lie about the situation to keep the papacy from being suspected of their true involvement.


 2005/4/19 15:07Profile


During the Dark Ages the Catholic Church slaughtered over 150 million Christians, and this atrocity is never mentioned today! The world has almost completely forgotten the many millions of people who were burned at the stake by the papacy because they wanted to worship God according to the Bible.

I havent forgotten... it's always part of my teachings on the RCC.

The slaughter in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, and Croatia is a direct result of the Vatican’s involvement in this area, but you will never hear about it because the Jesuit-controlled news media not only refuse to mention it but they lie about the situation to keep the papacy from being suspected of their true involvement.

I'm not up to speed on this... fill me in (send a PM). What are your sources and proof of this?


 2005/4/19 15:16

 Re: hideous saint

Krispy wrote:

've studied Mother Theresa's personal beliefs, and her beliefs were hideous... even for a Catholic

There you go again, you make a statement such as the one above without giving some facts.

What are those hideous beliefs, I can be swayed from believing that she was ok. I wasn't emotionally attached to her.

Karl 8-)

 2005/4/19 15:23

 Re: New father new name

I was working today and the people that I work with are generally catholic, when the Pope was coming out on stage (I wasn't watching, but I heard it), I told them all jokingly, "your new father is out on the balcony go and see him". They were rushing to the TV saying on the way to it, "What is his name?".

The only name that I know of is Jesus the Christ.


 2005/4/19 15:31


There you go again, you make a statement such as the one above without giving some facts

Hey now, bro... you know I always give facts. I posted a whole string of quotes from her on this site 3 or 4 weeks ago.

(a) "The dying, the crippled, the mentally ill , the unwanted, the unloved--they are Jesus in disguise . ... [through the] poor people I have an opportunity to be 24 hours a day with Jesus." [On another occasion, she again demonstrated her pantheistic religious philosophy: "Every AIDS victim is Jesus in a pitiful disguise; Jesus is in everyone.. ... [AIDS sufferers are] children of God [who] have been created for greater things" (1/13/86 Time ).]

(b) "You must make them feel loved and wanted. They are Jesus for me."

(c) "I love all religions. ... If people become better Hindus, better Muslims, better Buddhists by our acts of love, then there is something else growing there." [On another occasion, she again demonstrated her false gospel that 'there are many ways to God': "All is God--Buddists, Hindus, Christians, etc., all have access to the same God."]

It should be clear that "Mother" Teresa is anything but an Evangelical Christian. She is a self-sacrificing woman who is following a false religion. Consider some quotes from her speech at the 10/84 Worldwide Retreat for Priests:

(a) "At the word of a priest, that little piece of bread becomes the body of Christ, the Bread of Life."

(b) "Without a priest, without Jesus going with them, our sisters couldn't go anywhere."

(c) "When the priest is there, then can we have our altar and our tabernacle and our Jesus. Only the priest put Jesus there for us. ... Jesus wants to go there, but we cannot bring him unless you first give him to us. This is why I love priests so much. We could never be what we are and do the things we do without you priests who first bring Jesus to us."

(d) "Mary ... is our patroness and our Mother, and she is always leading us to Jesus."

No one would deny that "Mother" Teresa is doing a marvelous piece of wonderful humanitarian work among the poor and neglected of the world, but what gospel does she preach to them? She is definitely not leading them to the one, true, eternal salvation through the finished sacrifice of Calvary. "Mother" Teresa provides the classic example of compassionate and charitable deeds divorced from truth. She says that her purpose is to bring her patients closer to the "God" in whom they already believe; so that a Hindu becomes a better Hindu, a Buddhist a better Buddhist, etc. (Vatican II says those of all religions are somehow saved through the Church.) She tells how to witness for Jesus: In an interview with a nun who works with "Mother" Teresa (reported in Christian News ), dying Hindus were instructed to pray to their own Hindu gods!:

"These people are waiting to die. What are you telling them to prepare them for death and eternity? She replied candidly, 'We tell them to pray to their Bhagwan, to their gods.'"

She was instructing these staunch Hindus to pray sincerely to their own Hindu idols and she felt that if they did this, God would certainly not judge them! No matter how plausible from man's earthly vantage point, when good works are conducted by unregenerate religious people, what is promoted is a cursed false gospel, encouraging the lost heathen to have hope in their false gods, even as they lay upon their death beds. In God's eyes, therefore, the entire endeavor is a cursed one, and no Christian should support, assist, or praise a work cursed by God!

The following is from an interview with a Catholic nun, "Sister" Ann, who worked in Kathmandu, Nepal, with "Mother" Teresa's organization Missionaries of Charity. The interview was conducted 11/23/84 at the Pashupati Temple.

Q: Do you believe if they die believing in Shiva or in Ram [Hindu gods] they will go to heaven?

A: Yes, that is their faith. My own faith will lead me to God, ... So if they have believed in their god very strongly, if they have faith, surely they will be saved.

Q: Today it does not seem that the Catholic Church is trying to convert anymore. I know that John Paul II is saying now that those of other religions are saved. You do not believe they are lost anyway, right?

A: No, they are not lost. They are saved according to their faith, you know. If they believe whatever they believe, that is their salvation.

Obviously, then, "Mother" Teresa is both a pantheist and a Universalist--Universalists maintain that Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and other non-Christians can get to heaven without saving faith in Christ; they are those who believe that all who sincerely follow their own religions or beliefs will be saved. "Mother" Teresa tells Muslims and Jews that they worship the same God that Christians worship. "Mother" Teresa has even called atheistic communists children of God!

"Mother" Teresa is very much in the mainstream of the ecumenical world evangelization project "Evangelization 2000." She was on hand in June, 1987, by invitation, to help dedicate the offices of Evangelization 2000 in Rome. She is an honorary member of Lumen 2000, the electronic media aspect of Evangelization 2000. The first issue of New Evangelization 2000 features "Mother" Teresa prominently with photographs of her, and one entire article entitled, "Mother Teresa Promises Support." (Reported in the 2/15/93 Bold Truth Press .) ["Mother" Teresa was also scheduled to join the Dalai Lama and hundreds of other world religious leaders at the Parliament of the World's Religions in 1993 in Chicago, Illinois. She was scheduled to lead a closed session of key participants on future co-operative efforts among the world's religions, but was forced to cancel for health reasons.]

"Mother" Teresa is also involved in various projects with New Agers and "one-worlders." In 1985, "Mother" Teresa attended a conference sponsored by the United Nations University of Peace whose featured agenda was a call to bring about the New World Order. Others participating in the "Spirit of Peace" conference included Marilyn Ferguson, leading proponent of the New Age movement; Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands, commonly known as a leader of the one-world secret elitist society, the Bilderbergers; "His Holiness" Tenzin Gyatso, the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet; Helen Caldicott, president of "Physicians for Social Responsibility," an organization favoring U.S. unilateral disarmament; Bishop Desmond Tutu, proponent of leftist revolution in South Africa; and New Ager Robert Muller, Ass't. Secretary General of the U.N., in charge of co-ordinating the work of 32 specialized agencies and world programs. [Reported in "Ecumenism, 'Global Spirituality' and Mother Teresa," Christian Inquirer (April 1985), p. 26; and The Prophecy Newsletter (Vol. 1, No. 5, p. 6.)]

"Mother" Teresa also participated in the "Summit for Peace" in Assisi, Italy, in November 1986. This blasphemous prayer meeting was arranged by the Pope and was attended by leaders of many different religions, including Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, Shinto, Sikh, and North American Indian--all of whom united in prayers for world peace (11/10/86 Time , pp. 78-79).

 2005/4/19 15:35

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I think there are definetly some things we can definetly know for a surety about the Catholic Church system.

-It is a apostasted form of true Christianity that gives physical representation of true spiritual precepts. Jesus or the Apostles did [b]not[/b] ever do this and it could be seen possibly in Jesus's last words to the Church body of believers in the letters of revelation in the system of Nicolaitism.

Revelation 2:15: So hast thou also them that hold the [b]doctrine of the Nicolaitanes[/b] which thing I hate.

-That there were slaugtering of millions of Christians throughout the ages by the Catholic system.

Revelation 17:6: And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the [b]martyrs of Jesus[/b]: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

-That many of the doctrines of the Catholic Church goes against the true revelation and interpreation of Holy Scriptures revealed by God.

-Many reformed church believers and believers throughout the ages have believed the Catholic System to be the system of the Anti-Christ and that the Anti-Christ himself would be the pope.

But along with this is some believers in the Catholic system that holded onto the true teachings of Scriptures and revelation of the Son of God as a sacrifice for our sins alone.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/4/19 15:57Profile

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