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mikeymcdee Member

Joined: 2005/4/18 Posts: 2
| Biblical Inerrancy- Your thoughts | | Eager to see both sides on the issue of Biblical Inerrancy. I am trying to find audio of anyone who has taught on that subject so if you know of any please e-mail me! Thanks |
2005/4/18 20:02 | Profile |
HakkaMin Member

Joined: 2004/4/12 Posts: 60 Taiwan
| Re: Biblical Inerrancy- Your thoughts | | You might want to check out an audio series by Steve Gregg called "Authority Of The Scriptures." This 16 part series can be found at under the "Tape Download Page." Hope this helps. And - by the way - welcome to the forum. _________________ Gregg Dennington
2005/4/18 20:19 | Profile |
mikeymcdee Member

Joined: 2005/4/18 Posts: 2
| Re: | | Awesome! This was just what i was looking for and more! Thanks so much for your input and welcoming me! If anyone else has anything they think is worth sharing then go for it! God Bless! |
2005/4/19 3:42 | Profile |
philologos Member

Joined: 2003/7/18 Posts: 6566 Reading, UK
| Re: | | Great to see this topic raised here. When you have listened, come back and we can talk! :-D
This is probably a 'bit over the top' to where you are at in your thinking but others might like to read THE CHICAGO STATEMENT ON BIBLICAL INERRANCY _________________ Ron Bailey
2005/4/19 4:11 | Profile |
crsschk Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Must read... | | Dear Ron, this is a must read!
Thank you so much, Oh there is much, much more to be said ;-) _________________ Mike Balog
2005/4/19 10:24 | Profile |
AndrewBruce Member

Joined: 2005/4/12 Posts: 23 Blythewood, SC
| Re: Biblical Inerrancy- Your thoughts | | Mikeymcdee, Great question! I would definately suggest the link to the The Chicago statement given by philologos previously.
Also consider the fact that if all scripture is not God breathed then how do we know what is? To reject some of the Bible is to reject all of the Bible. If we pick and choose what parts to believe it becomes a work of man, not the Word of God.
If the Bible were not God's word than I would have no reason to be a Christian because without the Bible there is no Christianity, just the traditions of men. Take any scripture out of the Bible and say it shouldn't be there and then suddenly there is no absolute truth and without truth we cannot have an accurate grasp of reality. _________________ Andrew Bruce
2005/4/19 16:56 | Profile |
| Re: | | AndrewBruce wrote:
"Also consider the fact that if all scripture is not God breathed then how do we know what is? To reject some of the Bible is to reject all of the Bible. If we pick and choose what parts to believe it becomes a work of man, not the Word of God."
The Fact????!!! Try discernment, with prayer.
REjecting some is rejecting all??????!!! Baloney! I reject the Revelation as a corruption and interpret the much of Old Testament as inspired metaphor but nevertheless find Truth in the New Testament revelation of God's love for all through the teachings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Pick and choose?????!!!! Using the brains God gave us must be a sin, then.
Bubbaguy |
2005/4/19 17:08 | |
RobertW Member

Joined: 2004/2/12 Posts: 4636 St. Joseph, Missouri
| Re: | | Quote:
but nevertheless find Truth in the New Testament revelation of God's love for all through the teachings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Hi Jake,
Pardon me if you have answered this before, but do you believe in the Great White Throne Judgment? If yes, do you believe that those whose name is not written in the Lambs Book of Life will be cast into the Lake of Fire?
_________________ Robert Wurtz II
2005/4/19 17:31 | Profile |
philologos Member

Joined: 2003/7/18 Posts: 6566 Reading, UK
| Re: | | Quote:
Pick and choose?????!!!! Using the brains God gave us must be a sin, then.
Yes it is, if you use them to defy what God has said. Your brain is not the ultimate judge, but must itself be judged by the ultimate Judge. _________________ Ron Bailey
2005/4/19 17:52 | Profile |
Compton Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re:reason above revelation | | Quote:
Eager to see both sides on the issue of Biblical Inerrancy.
It's funny, but biblical infallibility and inerrancy are so foundational that even the "nuetral" wording of this question bothers me. It's like saying we want to consider both sides of the diety of Christ or the authenticity of His ressurection. I don't want to sound anti-intellectual but doubting the divine provision in scriptures is the proto-error for every form of apostasy ever concieved. (I'm not assuming that you are on this vector...just commenting on the nuetrality of your question.)
If your research on this topic could benifit from some historical context you might look into the Downgrade Controversy that started in England during the 19th century. (...and never seems to have ended.)The history of this incident shows what happens when strong churches begin to allow biblical revelation and theology to be challenged by so-called empirical knowledge and natural theology. They "down-grade":)
I like Spurgeon's perspective on the scientific skeptiscism that leaks into our churches. Quote:
"...the new views are not the old truth in a better dress, but deadly errors with which we can have no fellowship. I regard full-grown 'modern thought' as a totally new cult ..."
Here is an exerpt from a Shindler and Spurgeon article during the Downgrade Controversy.
"The first step astray is a want of adequate faith in the divine inspiration of the sacred Scriptures. All the while a man bows to the authority of God's Word, he will not entertain any sentiment contrary to its teaching. "To the law and to the testimony," is his appeal concerning every doctrine. He esteems that holy Book, concerning all things, to be right, and therefore he hates every false way. But let a man question, or entertain low views of the inspiration and authority of the Bible, and he is without chart to guide him, and without anchor to hold him.
In looking carefully over the history of the times, and the movement of the times, of which we have written briefly, this fact is apparent: that where ministers and Christian churches have held fast to the truth that the Holy Scriptures have been given by God as an authoritative and infallible rule of faith and practice, they have never wandered very seriously out of the right way. But when, on the other hand, reason has been exalted above revelation, and made the exponent of revelation, all kinds of errors and mischiefs have been the result."
MC _________________ Mike Compton
2005/4/19 20:19 | Profile |