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Joined: 2005/4/16
Posts: 14

 I wonder

As I have read these posts I have to ask this.I wonder how many have you talked to that these are the last days.I wonder if you have went to the homeless and hungry and witnessed to them.How long has it been since you have offered a ride someone or money to help them out.I wonder how many of us will be judged and found wanting.All Gods people have went from in the open to in the closet like we must be ashamed of Him.I wonder when the time is here that we stand and cry with one voice ,He Died He died ,He died for your sins but Thank God He arose and now the time is come For His return.We have Forgotten how to fast and pray like the days of old.We have let the world dictate us and control us but Gods time is now.I wonder where we will stand when this life is over.I also wonder if we have done enough for him as He had done for us.I also wonder if we have forgotten where we come from what He saved us from but i weep because to many take everything for granted and the time now is short.So I all can do is post this and mull the thought over I wonder if we can do more while we have the time we have to make a difference in someone else's life and show them the way and show them love instead of being "I got saved and helped a few and i'll get my reward".I pray that a few reads this and will think and let them wonder have I done enough or can i do more for Him.


 2005/4/18 15:30Profile

Joined: 2005/1/26
Posts: 153

 Re: I wonder

I also wonder if we have done enough for him as He had done for us.

Not possible, but I understand your point. I also have learned, in my years of experience that it is easy for a concerned Chrsitian to get the "Schindler syndrome"...this from the movie, when he broke down crying that he could have gotten one more...he didn't do enough...but in truth he did so much!

We as Christians can NOT hope to successfully repay Christ for what we've done. We will spend an eternity worshipping him and praising Him but it will not come close to finishing the job of thanks for saving us from the OTHER eternity we could be suffering.

We have but one, short life to give for Christ and if we're not careful, even the likes of Paul could spend time worried that they aren't doing enough for God.

The important thing is to find God's will for your life and get in the middle of it. If you can stay there, you will be doing 'enough' for God.

Jesus did not call everyone to [i]"Sell everything you have and give the money to the poor and follow me."[/i] He does, however want everyone to be willing (a heart condition), to do that if asked. Because it is entirely possible that one could do everything you mentioned and still be [b][i]entirely[/b][/i] out of God's will.


 2005/4/18 16:01Profile

 Re: I wonder

As I have read these posts I have to ask this.I wonder how many have you talked to that these are the last days.I wonder if you have went to the homeless and hungry and witnessed to them.How long has it been since you have offered a ride someone or money to help them out.I wonder how many of us will be judged and found wanting.All Gods people have went from in the open to in the closet like we must be ashamed of Him.I wonder when the time is here that we stand and cry with one voice ,He Died He died ,He died for your sins but Thank God He arose and now the time is come For His return.We have Forgotten how to fast and pray like the days of old.We have let the world dictate us and control us but Gods time is now.I wonder where we will stand when this life is over.I also wonder if we have done enough for him as He had done for us.I also wonder if we have forgotten where we come from what He saved us from but i weep because to many take everything for granted and the time now is short.So I all can do is post this and mull the thought over I wonder if we can do more while we have the time we have to make a difference in someone else's life and show them the way and show them love instead of being "I got saved and helped a few and i'll get my reward".I pray that a few reads this and will think and let them wonder have I done enough or can i do more for Him.

Is this meant to imply that perhaps those of us who come on here and debate theology and doctrine, or talk about current events from a Christian world view, are somehow not doing anything BUT writing on here?

I appreciate your post, and you're correct that we need to be out there doing everything we can to prevent people from going to hell. I dare say that on this website you will find people who are far more serious about their commitment to Christ than you're average pew-filler-upper. There are a couple people on here who are aware of the ministries I am involved in. I don't feel compelled to go into that on this forum. I do know many here are pastors, a few are missionaries, and many are ordinary Joe's who from their testimonies on this site seem to be very involved in prayer and fasting and outreach.

To everything there is a time and place. This forum is a good tool to help people mature and become better equiped to go out into the world.

Your warning is good, but I think you may be preaching to the choir for the most part.


 2005/4/18 16:11

Joined: 2004/5/6
Posts: 309
Washington st. u.S. A.

 Re: I wonder

Bible tell me not to let the right hand know what the other is doing. My reward is not of men so I work while the day is here. Jesus said to one of his owen "What is that to you, you just follow me. I believe I will just follow him, stand on his word, and do what my hero has already done. he has lived for us and died for us. as you have done unto the lest of them you have done unto me It is written.

 2005/4/18 16:14Profile

Joined: 2005/4/16
Posts: 14


No not at all here.I as a preacher have asked this of myself many times.We are supposed to be examples of Christ and I have asked am I doing that.I love people and talk to any and all but in our everyday life have we forgotten.Have we gotten away from God.I say there is a lot that has and we have forgotten,its time to wake up if its here, next door, anybody we need to do better.Our hearts should be grieved everyday at those who are not ready.Nothing implied to any on here but i think we all can do better than we have been doing.I ask forgiveness if any thinks I am throwing this at any on here.Not at all all I ask is this I wonder,we have not long to go ,and if we can come together and do more we should if through here or anywhere.I know some can't but others I have seen who could but wouldn't being comfortable thinking all they have to do is sit back and twiddle their thumbs.The day is nigh and if we could help someone we need to especially if that one person could see what Christ has done for us and we could bring one more in before its too late.


 2005/4/18 16:33Profile


Your original post started off with "as I read these posts" ... and I kinda made a leap. Sorry about that.

As I said, excellent post! You are right in what you said. I'm with ya...


 2005/4/18 16:45

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


I was recently at a street festival where I observed a little boy(age 8-9?) with a withered hand, so I took that as my que to ingage his parents as to his condition. After thier explaination I asked if I might pray for the boy, they consented and I prayed for him laying my hands on him in Jesus' name. However later that same day I missed an opputunity to witness on a portion of scripture. It was plainly there and I just didn't take the time. So I do understand that missed oppurtunities are fast becoming my sack cloth and tears, O' wretched man that I am!!! Those on this site are very much my brothers and sisters in Christ and I have the uttmost respect and love for them and keep them in my prayers almost daily, I trust that you (judgement65) also will stay and help us all keep our edge. God Bless Bro. Daryl


 2005/4/18 17:20Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632

 Re: appreciate post

Hi Daniel and welcome to SI. I appreciate your post! It is always good for us to be challenged and to have cause to look in our own hearts.

By your words, I can see that you are not judging anyone here, but just wanting to make us take a good look at what our hearts have been about lately. This is always welcome in my life.

One of my favorite scriptures is "Search me and know me, see if their be any wicked way in me."

It is easy to get settled into the status quo, the same old- same old-- even if the 'same old' is good and true and right.

May the Lord show us each our part, may He show us "to whom we are sent". We can never get this time back.

In Christ, Chanin


 2005/4/18 17:44Profile

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