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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Teresa

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Joined: 2007/10/23
Posts: 96


Please please pray for Teresa. She is in the worst shape ever.
She has almost destroyed herself and we are going to try to find her and get her some much needed help but she is so messed up she may not cooperate. I have read the heroin in Southeast Florida is laced and 100 times more addicting and the death toll is starting to skyrocket especially for young women who were using the now hard to get pain killers!
I pray we are not too late, someone saw her this week and said her feet are black from no shoes and she was so thin her head looked enlarged. She has 5 children that she loves but she seems to have forgotten about. The root of her problem may be guilt from an abortion and the subsequent death of a five year old daughter in a car accident!

 2014/6/26 11:32Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482

 Re: Teresa

I AM PRAYING!!! Pls keep us posted..... God loves her so much!!

 2014/6/26 14:27Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


I am praying as well!!

God bless

 2014/6/26 14:52Profile


Will also pray for her and I put her name on my list .
May the Lord give you all the strength and grace in this difficult situation and may He "accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Eph 3:20 NLT

 2014/6/26 16:28

 Re: Teresa

Lord God,
Set this woman free, may she encounter you, dear Lord and may the guilt and sorrow be taken away. Bring her help from the Sanctuary. Keep Satan from destroying this woman. Bring her home, give her your hope and your peace. Save her. We ask you to do this is Jesus Name

 2014/6/26 19:49

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


Lord God,
Set this woman free, may she encounter you, dear Lord and may the guilt and sorrow be taken away. Bring her help from the Sanctuary. Keep Satan from destroying this woman. Bring her home, give her your hope and your peace. Save her. We ask you to do this is Jesus Name


 2014/6/26 20:18Profile

Joined: 2007/10/23
Posts: 96

 Re: Teresa

Thank you all so much I will update hopefully soon!

 2014/6/26 22:36Profile

Joined: 2007/10/23
Posts: 96

 Re: Teresa

Thanks for prayers. Teresa has been Baker acted and now has the opportunity to receive or reject the help she desperately needs.
Praying she allows the Holy Spirit to reign in her mortal body once again!

 2014/7/7 11:12Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


I had to look up what that was :) Is there a time frame? Are you in contact with her? Is she open, or hostile? I know you may not wish to discuss these things on a public forum, but can you at least give us some more specifics on how to pray? You indicate that she was once following the Lord? Well, I know this is good news, but without God she will be right back to where she was.....PRAYING!!!

 2014/7/7 19:59Profile

Joined: 2007/10/23
Posts: 96


Hi mama27, no I havent seen teresa since last november. Teresa
Was dedicated to the Lord the week she was born. My husband was in the service and we had a rocky road but we hung in there and were serving the Lord and in church when Teresa became a teen and began to show symptoms of bipolar which has gotten worse as she became an adult.
Teresa has gotten hostile this year but before this episode she was always open towards me. She has really gotten into something bad. It is so bad its hard to have hope for her.
Teresa wants to serve the Lord and has a tender heart but she also wanted to play with the devil and now she is snared in addiction and all the ugliness that goes along with it.
It is difficult to rest because I start to wonder if she is going to die in such a state. I also have other children and i am very busy but I find myself praying for her several times a day.

 2014/7/7 21:48Profile

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